Just Getting Started with Python on MS XP Pro
W. Watson
wolf_tracks at invalid.com
Sun Jan 7 14:20:35 EST 2007
Gabriel Genellina wrote:
> On 7 ene, 13:22, "W. Watson" <wolf_tra... at invalid.com> wrote:
>>>>> https://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/
>> As I understand it, there are two files I'm after: 1. python interpreter,
>> and 2. a python editor. It's #2 that I'm having trouble downloading. The
>> link is broken.
> The above link should work. Follow the instructions in a previous post.
> Note that in the last step, you have to choose a mirror for
> downloading; that mirrow might be down or out-of-sync so you might get
> an error there. Choose another mirrorr...
> Note that you dont *need* PythonWin in order to use Python on Windows.
> The standard Python distribution works fine. Even includes a Python
> editor (IDLE) but you can use whichever editor you like to write your
> code (even Notepad...)
We seem to be looping. I have the Python interpreter. I would like the
pythonwin editor. The download link doesn't work on SourceForge. Where can I
get it? If not there, where? If it can't be obtained, then I'll go to the
default editor built into python-2.5.msi.
Wayne T. Watson (Watson Adventures, Prop., Nevada City, CA)
(121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
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