Conflicting needs for __init__ method
dickinsm at
dickinsm at
Sun Jan 14 18:32:35 EST 2007
Here's an example of a problem that I've recently come up against for
the umpteenth time. It's not difficult to solve, but my previous
solutions have never seemed quite right, so I'm writing to ask whether
others have encountered this problem, and if so what solutions they've
come up with.
Suppose you're writing a class "Rational" for rational numbers. The
__init__ function of such a class has two quite different roles to
play. First, it's supposed to allow users of the class to create
Rational instances; in this role, __init__ is quite a complex beast.
It needs to allow arguments of various types---a pair of integers, a
single integer, another Rational instance, and perhaps floats, Decimal
instances, and suitably formatted strings. It has to validate the
input and/or make sure that suitable exceptions are raised on invalid
input. And when initializing from a pair of integers---a numerator
and denominator---it makes sense to normalize: divide both the
numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor and make
sure that the denominator is positive.
But __init__ also plays another role: it's going to be used by the
other Rational arithmetic methods, like __add__ and __mul__, to return
new Rational instances. For this use, there's essentially no need for
any of the above complications: it's easy and natural to arrange that
the input to __init__ is always a valid, normalized pair of integers.
(You could include the normalization in __init__, but that's wasteful
when gcd computations are relatively expensive and some operations,
like negation or raising to a positive integer power, aren't going to
require it.) So for this use __init__ can be as simple as:
def __init__(self, numerator, denominator):
self.numerator = numerator
self.denominator = denominator
So the question is: (how) do people reconcile these two quite
different needs in one function? I have two possible solutions, but
neither seems particularly satisfactory, and I wonder whether I'm
missing an obvious third way. The first solution is to add an
optional keyword argument "internal = False" to the __init__ routine,
and have all internal uses specify "internal = True"; then the
__init__ function can do the all the complicated stuff when internal
is False, and just the quick initialization otherwise. But this seems
rather messy.
The other solution is to ask the users of the class not to use
Rational() to instantiate, but to use some other function
(createRational(), say) instead. Then __init__ is just the simple
method above, and createRational does all the complicated stuff to
figure out what the numerator and denominator should be and eventually
calls Rational(numerator, denomiator) to create the instance. But
asking users not to call Rational() seems unnatural. Perhaps with
some metaclass magic one can ensure that "external" calls to
Rational() actually go through createRational() instead?
Of course, none of this really has anything to do with rational
numbers. There must be many examples of classes for which internal
calls to __init__, from other methods of the same class, require
minimal argument processing, while external calls require heavier and
possibly computationally expensive processing. What's the usual way
to solve this sort of problem?
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