Would a Dutch speaker please check this wiki page please?
Stef Mientki
S.Mientki-nospam at mailbox.kun.nl
Wed Jan 17 17:29:38 EST 2007
skip at pobox.com wrote:
> Got a note about a new page on the Python Wiki:
>>>>>> "Wade" == Wade McDaniel <wmcdaniel at wolfgangsvault.com> writes:
> http://wiki.python.org/moin/Selcuk_Altun
> I suspect it's junk since it doesn't seem to mention Python and the website
> it mentions doesn't seem to exist. Still, just in case...
The only (incorrect) Dutch sentence on the whole site is:
"Welkom op me site www.keriwar.nl",
which should have been
"Welkom op mijn site www.keriwar.nl"
but that could be explained, while his name "Selcuk Altun" is not orginated from the Netherlands.
I just expect that he is trying to setup a wiki,
but that's too soon to give it a judgement.
Stef Mientki
> Thx,
> Skip
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