add re module to a embeded device phyton interpreter

robert no-spam at no-spam-no-spam.invalid
Wed Jan 10 08:03:15 EST 2007

odlfox wrote:
>    I hav to add the re (regular expressions) functionality to an
> Embeded device that I'm using.  I read the file and it says I
> need several dependencies, one of them is the pcre module but I found
> no or pcre.pyc file.  Someone knows where to find something to
> solve my problem. Thanks a lot

that drills down to a .dll/.so thing depending on installation and python version.

Best make a project/test/dummy script using all the things you want - or actually your project as it. 
And then use cx-freeze like "FreezePython -OO" to let him collect all the dependent modules in a dist-folder. Then you don't have to worry about all the details yourself.
You can also use UPX and 7zip to further compress the dll's/so's and the py-modules zip archive well.


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