Random passwords generation (Python vs Perl) =)
Steven D'Aprano
steve at REMOVEME.cybersource.com.au
Mon Jan 29 20:52:02 EST 2007
On Mon, 29 Jan 2007 16:24:18 +0100, Laszlo Nagy wrote:
> NoName írta:
>> Hmmm..
>> In the Perl example password generates after user hit ENTER not
>> continously like in Python you wrote... :)
>> i want see various ways to generate passwords even if they some
>> indirect like using BASE64
> I copied this from a recipe, I do not remember which one. I like it very
> much because it creates password that are easy to type in. You can type
> every odd letter with your left hand and every even letter with your
> right hand.
That weakens the password significantly. For a six character alpha-numeric
password with no special characters, you have (26*2+10)**6 possible
passwords, or 56,800,235,584.
Using your password generator, you have:
>>> righthand = '23456qwertasdfgzxcvbQWERTASDFGZXCVB'
>>> lefthand = '789yuiophjknmYUIPHJKLNM'
>>> len(righthand)
>>> len(lefthand)
and therefore only:
35*23*35*23*35*23 = (35*23)**3 = 521,660,125
possible passwords. That's about one percent of the earlier figure, so
you lose about 99% of the strength of the password. For eight character
passwords the difference is even more dramatic: you reduce the strength of
the password by a factor of roughly 99,999,995/100,000,000.
In my opinion, if you're going to accept such a drastic reduction in
password strength, better to go for a password that is easier to memorise
than a hard-to-memorise-but-easy-to-type weak password.
Here's one such algorithm:
* think of a meaningful phrase you won't forget: e.g. "Snow White and the
Seven Dwarves"
* take the first letter of each word: "swatsd"
* mix up the capitals and make it leet: "5Wat7D"
* add some special characters if you can: "5W&t7D"
* if it is not long enough, add a suffix or prefix or both: "p5W&t7D."
And now you have a strong password that you can remember but is unlikely
to be guessed.
Steven D'Aprano
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