Need better run/edit method. I have to restart the shell after every script change.

Mark creechm at
Fri Jan 12 11:19:17 EST 2007

Thanks guys.  I'll give it a try.
Brian Blais wrote:
> Mark wrote:
> > I'm currently running the IDLE shell under Python 2.5, on Windows XP.
> >
> > Every time I edit my .txt or .py file, I have to restart the IDLE shell
> > for the changes to take effect. It's pretty annoying. Assuming IDLE is
> > already open, here are the steps that I typically take:
> >
> > 1. Open .txt version of module or script using notepad
> > 2. make changes
> > 3. save .txt file as .txt file
> > 4. save .txt file as .py file
> > 5. reset IDLE
> > 6. import module again
> >
> why do you involve notepad, and .txt files?  Instead, try this:
> 1. Run Idle
> 2. Choose File/New Window
> 3. Edit your .py file, and save it as a .py file
> 4. Choose Run/Run Module
> 5. Make changes, and save again
> 6. Choose Run/Run Module
> 7. etc...
> you don't need to close IDLE ever.  IDLE refers to the editor, and the shell that
> runs connected to it.  If you have just the shell, you can open the editor with
> File/New Window.  If you have just the editor, you can choose Run/Python Shell   or
> Run/Run Module depending on what you want to do, to get the shell.
> You can also take a .py file in the Windows explorer, right-click, and choose "Open
> with IDLE" to start editing it directly.
> You shouldn't save things as .txt, because then IDLE will not recognize it is python
> you are writing, and the right-click trick probably won't work either.  You should
> never use Notepad, because it is just icky, and doesn't know about any programming
> languages.  :)
> Hope this helps,
> 			Brian Blais
> --
> -----------------
>               bblais at

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