A solution to the MSVCRT vs MSVCR71 problem?
Gabriel Genellina
gagsl-py at yahoo.com.ar
Sun Jan 21 03:30:47 EST 2007
At Sunday 21/1/2007 00:07, sturlamolden wrote:
>Solution to problem 1:
>Compile with your compiler or choice, never mind which CRT are used.
>Use a 'dumpbin' program, find all references to msvcrt in the binary
>DLL file. Create a dll with name "py_crt" that exports these functions
>but redirects them to msvcrt71. That is, in the file py_crt.def we put
>something like
>Compile the DLL py_crt.dll and then open your pyd file in binary mode.
>Exchange all occurances of the string "msvcrt" (or any other CRT name)
>with "py_crt". Now your binary should work just fine. What you need to
>make sure is just that the name of the proxy has the same number of
>letters as the CRT your compiler linked. So if it is msvcrt81.dll, e.g.
>use something like py_crt81.dll instead of py_crt.dll.
>Solution to problem 2:
>[modify external references inside python25.dll to use a different runtime]
This would only work, if runtime dll's were compatibles between them,
and they are not. You can't blindly redirect a call to msvcr71.__xyz
to msvcr80.__xyz and expect that to work magically - it may have a
different number of arguments, or different types, or even may not
exist anymore.
(And what about any symbol exported by ordinal?)
Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL
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