Can a low-level programmer learn OOP?
Wayne Brehaut
wbrehaut at
Sat Jul 14 15:58:06 EDT 2007
On Sat, 14 Jul 2007 11:49:48 -0600, darren kirby
<bulliver at> wrote:
>quoth the Wayne Brehaut:
>> (I started with Royal McBee LGP 30 machine language (hex input) in
>> 1958, and their ACT IV assembler later! Then FORTRAN IV in 1965. By
>> 1967 I too was using (Burroughs) Algol-60, and 10 years later upgraded
>> to (DEC-10) Simula-67.)
>> Going---going---
>Mel? Is that you?
Ha-ha! Thanks for that!
Although I'm not Mel, the first program I saw running on the LGP-30
was his Blackjack program! In 1958 I took a Numerical Methods course
at the University of Saskatchewan, and we got to program Newton's
forward difference method for the LGP-30. Our "computer centre tour"
was to the attic of the Physics building, where their LGP-30 was
networked to a similar one at the Univeristy of Toronto (the first
educational computer network in Canada!), and the operator played a
few hands of Blackjack with the operator there to illustrate how
useful computers could be.
A few years later, as a telecommunications officer in the RCAF, I
helped design (but never got to teach :-( ) a course in LGP-30
architecture and programming using both ML and ACT IV AL, complete
with paper tape input and Charactron Tube
( output--handy, since this
display was also used in the SAGE system.
We weren't encouraged to use card games as examples, so used
navigational and tracking problems involving fairly simple
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