Pythonic way for missing dict keys
Steve Holden
steve at
Sat Jul 28 08:23:21 EDT 2007
Alex Popescu wrote:
> jjl at (John J. Lee) wrote in news:87lkd0eprj.fsf at
>> Alex Popescu <nospam.themindstorm at> writes:
>>> Zentrader <zentraders at> wrote in
>>> news:1185041243.323915.161230
>>>> On Jul 21, 7:48 am, Duncan Booth < at invalid.invalid>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> [snip...]
>>>> >From the 2.6 PEP #361 (looks like dict.has_key is deprecated)
>>>> Python 3.0 compatability: ['compatibility'-->someone should use a
>>>> spell-checker for 'official' releases]
>>>> - warnings were added for the following builtins which no
>>>> longer exist in 3.0:
>>>> apply, callable, coerce, dict.has_key, execfile,
>>>> reduce,
>>>> reload
>>> I see... what that document doesn't describe is the alternatives to
>>> be used. And I see in that list a couple of functions that are
>>> probably used a lot nowadays (callable, reduce, etc.).
>> callable and reduce are rarely used, at least in code I've seen.
> I thought G would be using that function a lot. Also, what is the
> replacement of reduce? I think I remember seeing somewhere that lists
> comprehension would be (but also remember the advise that reduce will be
> quicker).
See his latest blog entry on, where he has started a Py3k
FAQ. He suggests that uses if reduce are almost always more readable
when written using a for loop and an accumulator variable.
>> Certainly has_key will be
>> the most common of those listed above (but trivial to fix).
> dict.has_key(key) becomes key in dict (correct?)
>> apply
>> will be common in old code from the time of Python 1.5.2.
> I think there were some advises to not use apply.
Yup. Anyway there's a trivial translation for uses of apply.
apply(f, *args, **kw) => f(*args, **kw)
The converter will almost certainly do this for you.
>> execfile is
>> perhaps more common that callable (?) but again is really a "maybe 1
>> call in a big program" sort of thing.
I don't ever remember using execfile. It has always been a blot on the
> What is the replacement for this one?
I'd have to guess, and will refrain from doing so.
Steve Holden +1 571 484 6266 +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
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