Replacing overloaded functions with closures.
king kikapu
aboudouvas at
Mon Jul 30 10:58:56 EDT 2007
i am trying, to no avail yet, to take a C#'s overloaded functions
skeleton and rewrite it in Python by using closures.
I read somewhere on the net (
not-java.html) that in Python we can reduce code duplication for
overloaded functions by using closures.
I do not quite understand this. Let's say we have the following simple
C# code:
int func(int i) { return i * 2; }
string func(string s) { return s + s; }
bool func(bool f) { return !f; }
I wasn't able to find a way to express this thing in closures. I even
tried to have the parameters i, s and f as parameters with default
arguments with None value in the inner function and there to check for
the None and do the needed work but i am not sure if this is the
correct solution.
Any help ?
thanks in advance.
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