Break up list into groups

Matt McCredie mccredie at
Tue Jul 17 17:08:56 EDT 2007

That certainly is fast, unfortunately it doesn't pass all of the tests. I
came up with those tests so I don't know how important they are to the
original poster. I modified it and came up with a generator and a
non-generator version based (roughly) on your algorithm, that are almost as
quick, and pass all of the tests. Some of the modifications were done just
to make it quicker, so it would be fair when comparing against the other
methods. I hard-coded the comparison instead of using a function and created
a function that directly generates and returns a list instead of a
generator. I would probably use the generator version in my code, but
wrapping `list' around a generator adds about 4us (on my machine). Anyway,
getgroups7 passes all of the tests I mentioned and it was timed at
The down side: the code doesn't seem nearly as elegant.


def gengroups7(seq):
    iseq = iter(xrange(len(seq)))
    start = 0
    for i in iseq:
        if seq[i]&0x80:
            start = i
    for i in iseq:
        if seq[i]&0x80:
            yield seq[start:i]
            start = i
    yield seq[start:]

def getgroups7(seq):
    groups = []
    iseq = iter(xrange(len(seq)))
    start = 0
    for i in iseq:
        if seq[i]&0x80:
            start = i
        return groups
    for i in iseq:
        if seq[i]&0x80:
            start = i
    return groups

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