Scope <or> PyQt question
David Boddie
david at
Thu Jul 26 13:13:45 EDT 2007
On Thu Jul 26 18:00:44 CEST 2007, dittonamed wrote:
> On Jul 26, 10:15 pm, Stargaming <stargam... at> wrote:
> > Answering from a non-Qt point of view (ie. I don't know if there were
> > cleaner ways using Qt stuff), you have to bind p somewhere not local to
> > the function. Any attribute of `self` (that's hopefully not used by
> > QMainWindow) should be fine.
> I was having trouble getting that to work and thought it because of
> event driven nature of gui/qt programming. But i'll give it another go
> anyway .. any examples? ;-)
from qt import *
class Form2(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self,parent = None,name = None,fl = 0):
def playAudio(self):
self.p = QProcess(self, 'player')
playcmd = '/usr/bin/play'
filename = 'song.ogg'
def stopAudio(self):
> Im wondering what the "right" way to do this is - the Qt way, or is
> what you mentioned in fact the "right" way? Can i access the QObject
> another way or am i barking up the wrong tree?
If you store the process in the instance of Form2, you don't need to access
it via the object tree. Most Qt programs (in C++) would also use the same
approach. You _can_ access the process via the object tree, as you
discovered - it's just less convenient to do it that way.
Just to satisfy your curiosity, let's look at your code again:
''' #This is just to show that i can "see" the object, though i
#dont know how to "access" it
#the output shows the QProcess object by name...
# but how do i reference it??
allobjs = list(QObject.objectTrees())
for obj in allobjs:
objName =
if objName == 'Form2':
print QObject.children(obj)
When you obtain the Form2 instance, you could inspect its children, testing
whether each one is a QProcess object with either Python's isinstance()
function or QObject's inherits() method.
Alternatively, you could use QObject's queryList() method or the
qt_find_obj_child() function.
With PyQt4, QObject has a findChild() method to perform these kinds of
searches. Still, I'd recommend just keeping a reference to the process in
your Form2 instance.
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