MI5 Persecution: Goldfish and Piranha 29/9/95 (5104)
mcu87992 at bigpond.net.au
Sun Jun 10 00:57:52 EDT 2007
And this is here because ....???
<MI5Victim at mi5.gov.uk> wrote in message
news:m07050813525824 at 4ax.com...
|I just thought I'd let you know what I've been reading into
| "Crusader" spam. I don't want to post this to usenet
because somebody
| might try to tie that in to my posts in some way (someone
already has, in
| uk.misc).
| First of all, I'd like to ask you to believe that my phone
line in my
| apartment is bugged, and has been for many months. I have
moved a couple
| of times this year, but "they" have faithfully been on my
| Anyway, let's suppose my phone line is bugged. Now, when I
talk to my
| internet service provider, it's over a SLIP (now PPP)
connection. So if
| you wanted to bug what was said, either you'd listen in
over the line and
| have to decode the transmission, or you could go to the
service provider
| (more difficult) and ask them to decode a particular
user's connection.
| OK, so now they're listening to everything I do over my
| connection. A couple of months ago I was messing around
with faking
| articles through nntp servers and through anonymous
remailers. I chose a
| nice inconspicuous newsgroup for my little tests,
something no-one would
| ever notice. Guess which newsgroup I chose??? Yes,
_FISH_!!! or
| rec.aquaria to be precise
| And guess what articles I tried to post? Goldfish, Koi
carp and, you'll
| never guess... PIRANHA!!! The goldfish article and the Koi
went through,
| but the piranha didn';t appear.
| by now you probably think this is too silly for words. But
if you look in
| the papers a few eeks ago you will find John Major, Tonny
Blair and Paddy
| Ashdown sharing a "private joke" about Major's sunburnt
goldfish. We
| haven't had anything about Koi yet (they must be too
dull ). Now, sent by
| someone who clearly knew what they were doing (they chose
an Italian
| backbone site for their launch point) we have many
thousands of messages
| to people all over the globe. All about piranha, and with
the punchline
| "that gives you something to think about, doesn't it?"
| The way it works is that they're trying to kill two birds
with one stone
| again. I don't knoiw why they should be against these
national alliance
| people, but my interpretation is that they simultaneously
try to
| discredit them, and stem the flow of Corley articles.
| In article <DFnE55.8tF.0.bloor at torfree.net>,
| Mike Corley <bu765 at torfree.net> wrote:
| >
| >John J Smith (J.J.Smith at ftel.co.uk) wrote:
| >
| >: b) we do know who you are. Or are you someone else we
don't know about?
| >: You are currently known as "That bloody persistant net
nutter, who's
| >: expanding from uk.misc to the rest of the world".
| >
| >I think the point I was trying to make is that I could
tell you things
| >from my personal life, at home and at work, which would
add credibility
| >to my story. But if I named people, then (a) they would
object violently
| >to being included in this shenanigans, and (b) I would be
revealing my
| >identity which would be bad for my personal life and my
work life. Of
| >course some people in my personal life, and at work, do
know who "mike
| >corley" is. But at least we're observing a studied
silence for now.
| :People can always be called "MR X", to save them being
| :
| :I'm completely perplexed as to what you mean by b).
Revealing identity?
| :To who? And why would this be bad for any part of your
life when you
| :already have a less than respectful reputation here?
| I'll just enumerate one or two things that I can still
remember. Sometime
| around August/Sept 1992 I was living in a house in Oxford,
and coming out
| of the house was physically attacked by someone - not
punched, just grabbed
| by the coat, with some verbals thrown in for good measure.
That was something
| the people at work shouldn't have known about... but soon
after a couple of
| people were talking right in front of me about, "yeah, I
heard he was
| attacked".
| Again, one I went for a walk in some woods outside Oxford.
The next day,
| at work, someone said "you know he went to the forest
| I don't want to put details on usenet of what happened
because to do so
| would be to risk it happening again. If you put ideas in
peoples' heads
| then you can find them reflecting back at you, and I don't
want that.
| Also I can't remember that much from three years ago. From
november 1992
| I started taking "major tranquilizers" and just blotted
the whole thing
| from my mind.
| >This is a feature time and time again, that the security
| >(presumed) get at you by manipulating other people around
you to get at
| >you. If you have their contacts, manpower, resources and
technology then
| >you can do that sort of thing.
| :But why? Are you a threat?
| They pretend they "have" to get at me. After the first few
weeks they had
| to find a reason to spy and abuse. You can't abuse someone
unless they're
| in the wrong in some way. What I did "wrong" was to be
ill. So it became
| "nutter" and "monster" and "he's going to attack us"
coupled with
| "ha ha ha, he can't do anything to defend himself, it was
so funny". That
| obvious contradiction within their propaganda is something
| blithely ignore.
| :So, the Security Services never *actually* appear, and
you assume that
| :they get someone else to do your dirty work. This is a
bit of a big
| :logical step, here: That person doesn't like me, or is
causing me trouble,
| :it's not because they've got problems themselves, it must
be the "Security
| :Services". Yes. Because people are infallible. Or is
there more?
| A single source is indicated because of the range of
| BBC + Capital + manipulated_public_at_large +
| what does that add up to? Add in the technology to carry
out the
| covert spying and the manpower and knowhow to follow you
around for
| five years without being spotted. It smells very much of
the security
| services, because there is no other organization (to my
| which does the things I've seen these people do.
| Remember, they have deliberately chosen the softest of
soft targets
| to victimize. They purposely chose a mentally ill person
who they thought
| would be likely to kill himself anyway, so that they could
get away with
| murder.
| And in all likelihood it will have started as a personal
vendetta by someone.
| Who could that be? I don't know, but I can give you some
| The first possibility (deep breath) is that someone from
my college set me
| up. Six years ago I graduated from university in the UK,
during the last
| year there I was steadily getting more and more ill. I
know that I was
| talking in my sleep; although I don't know what I was
saying, it got
| me a reputation, and if someone from my college talked
afterwards to
| the "wrong" people then that could be the reason for all
that has followed.
| I think that's the strongest contender for source.
Directly beneath my
| room lived another bloke who frequently had his friends
round late at
| night, after the time that I went to sleep. So they could
have heard what
| I was saying in my sleep, and that could have got me the
reputation for
| "talking to myself".
| What I don't know is why that should have rebounded a year
after I left.
| You'd think it would have happened sooner; it's a bit odd
to wait for a
| year and then start abuse. That leads me to question what
in particular
| happened around May/June 1990 for them to start then.
| >What I don't know is how it looks from the other side,
from the side of
| >the people who are being manipulated to get at me. On a
couple of
| >occasions I have challenged people to tell the truth of
the matter, but
| >they have alwats ducked the challenge.
| :Have you ever considered the possibility, that you have
made a mistake, and
| :the people don't know what you are talking about?
| Yes. I am currently considering the possibility that some
people around me
| know only what is being posted on Usenet, and have not
been "contacted"
| by "them". But I _know_ that others have been contacted.
| :What words? Are they in common use? Could they be a
catchphrase of a
| :popular comedian?: "Nice to see you, to see you nice"?
| In England the all-time No. 1 is "nutter". Easter this
year, returning home
| from Clapham police station to report five years of
harassment ("we're not
| saying it's happening and we're not saying it isn't
happening"), another
| "not happening" incident of harassment when a cowardly
little slut did her
| country proud by yelling "nutter, nutter, nutter" in the
face of the
| hated enemy.
| What can you do about that? You can't yell abuse back in
their face, because
| they know they're supported by their peers, by the media,
by the murderers in
| the security forces. You can't put them down when the
fascist establishment
| is on their side. You can't hit them, because they would
deny their abuse,
| they would deny knowing anything, and bring charges
against the "nutter"
| who attacked them "at random".
| >You know, you're
| >passing saomeone, they're hardly going to construct an
argument for your
| >benefit, so they work a word of abuse into the
conversation which they
| >can giggle at.
| :Abuse such as what? We're all adults here, we can take
it. Is this abuse
| :aimed at you? How can you tell it is?
| I think I've said already what the words are. Thing is, at
any given time
| the language is consistent. In January everyone's calling
you X, then a
| few weeks later people stop calling you X and start
calling you Y.
| You can tell it's aimed at me, because when people
repeatedly say the same
| words are you walk past, then laugh, you would have to be
hard of
| understanding not to recognize it.
| >Or they repeat something that's been said somewhere
else... the PE thing
| >being a case in point. PE says it, then other people pick
up the refrain.
| :Remind me who PE is again.
| PE = "Private Eye"
| >: >To give you an example, which I mentioned in another
posting. In around
| >: >October 1992, Private Eye ran a cover with the heading
"Major's support
| >: >lowest ever", with John calling to Norma on the cover
"come back, Norma".
| >: >Only one obvious interpretation to that, isn';;t
there? I certainly
| >: >thought so when I saw that cover. Wrongo!! Down the
pub with people from work
| >: >Simon says to phil, "don';t you think it's wrong
then?" phil says, "well
| >: >private eye are usuallyright"..."hislop strikes
| >
| >: Erm. Mike? Heeeelllllooo? What are you on about. What
is the other
| >: interpretation then? Norma having an affair? Seems a
bit wrong, with the
| >: heading "Majors support Lowest ever"...
| >
| >No, this one isn't obvious , it really does need to be
explained. I
| >certainly didn't understand it when I first saw it. You
see, the kernel
| >of vitriol is in the words "come back". At the time, the
themes of
| >abuse were centred around interpretations of those two
words (stretch your
| >mind a little bit, I don't have to spell it out for you,
| :You did in your mail item.
| :
| :You seem to be scouting about something called a "Double
Entendre". The
| :inference being "Come" = Ejaculation, "Back" = Anus (not
the first part
| :of the body I would have went for, I would have foolishly
gone for "Back",
| :silly old me).
| :
| :You see to have picked a sodomy double entendre out of a
Private Eye
| :headline. They are everywhere. The English language has
much double
| :meaning in it, and if you put your mind to it, you could
pull a double
| :entendre out of a randomly chosen page of the bible. So
| >The point is that when Simon pointed it out to Phil, he
did recognise
| >what it meant after a moment's thought... and so did I...
and so did the
| >people who repeated it several times later... so however
murky it may
| >seem to you, that is the meaning they intended it to
| I still don't really know if the meaning was intended when
that headline was
| written, or if it was simply "found" after the fact. The
reason I think it
| might be the former is that I got quite a lot of abuse
along the lines of
| "sound-alike" or "double-entendre" at work, in
particularly from Steve.
| So "double" inevitably came to mean split-personality,
"two people in one";
| "back" inevitably came to mean "backside", "come"
inevitably meant you-know-
| what, "split" (well, we'd better split now) again you can
guess, "bent" (of
| a similar bent), the list goes on forever. These aren't
"nice" double-
| entendres intended for comedy, they're nasty words to
humiliate and cause
| pain. If I could turn the clock back three years then I
would sue my
| former employers for harassment and I would almost
certainly win. I had to
| take pills after a year of Oxford, so they wouldn't be
able to lie their
| way out of it. Actually, I could still take them to
court - the main
| obstacle being that three years after the fact is a bit
late and much
| of what happened, the details that would be necessary for
a case to go
| to court, has just been obliterated by time.
| : Smid
| ==============================================
| From: flames at flames.cityscape.co.uk (Peter Kr|ger)
| Newsgroups:
| Subject: Re: Mike Corley - a (helpful) suggestion
| Date: Mon Oct 2 05:43:42 1995
| In article <812551172snz at objmedia.demon.co.uk>, Snail
<snail at objmedia.demon.co.uk> says:
| >Indeed, I feel that my Usenet access is censored simply
because I don't want
| >to download groups he is partaking in, because of his
| >
| >I wasn't that bothered, but I am starting to get
seriously pissed off
| >with him. Which takes a lot.
| Hi Snail
| This person Corley seems quite interesting for three
reasons. I put the
| following at the end of a post in another thread just to
see if he was
| reading any other threads in uk.media.
| It seems he is probably not.
| -----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Heres an interesting little story from back in the early
days of CCD
| technology. There was this miniature camera which was
designed to fit
| behind the infrared receiver lens of the remote control
system (just
| beside the IR sensor itself) the camera clocked out the
data in 256 lines
| of 256 pixels from a Fairchild chip and fed it out, a line
at a time,
| into the VBI within the TV set itself. The signal could be
picked up
| remotely from a standard license detector van from where
it was stripped
| out of the surrounding RF signal and relayed back to the
TV station where
| it was displayed as a slowscan monochrome image in a
corner of the news
| readers monitor.
| 5104
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