Capturing and sending keys {Esperanto}

Thomas Jollans thomas at
Wed Jun 27 15:41:36 EDT 2007

AJK wrote:
> Hello there!
> I've been googleing yet, and suppose it's hopeless to try, but better
> ask it...
> I want to write a program which turns Cx to Ĉ, cx to ĉ et al WHILE
> TYPING. (i.e. converting Esperanto x-system to real hats, for those
> who know about this.) Therefore I though will need to capture the last
> 2 typed characters (from any application), send a double backspace and
> after that send the correct letters (back to the same application)...
> However, it seems inpossible to capture those letters, and maybe to
> send them too...

I'm not quite sure what you want to do. Is this in a Tkinter application
or somthing like that ? Do you want this to be hooked into some layer of
some operating system to work universally ? Which operating system ?

Thomas Jollans

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