ANN: matplotlib 0.90.1 graphing package

jdh2358 at jdh2358 at
Tue Jun 5 13:40:13 EDT 2007

matplotlib-0.90.1 has just been released.  matplotlib is a graphing
package for python which can be used interactively from the python
shell ala Mathematica or Matlab, embedded in a GUI application, or
used in batch mode to generate graphical hardcopy, eg in a web
application server.  Many raster and vector outputs are supported
(PNG, SVG, PDF, PS, and more).  You can get the source release, eggs
and binary builds for OS X and windows at the download link below

what's new:
mailing list:

The CHANGELOG entries for the 0.90.1 release are below -- see the
what's new link above for an overview

John Hunter

2007-06-02 Released 0.90.1 at revision 3352

2007-06-02 Display only meaningful labels when calling legend()
          without args. - NN

2007-06-02 Have errorbar follow the color cycle even if line is not
          Suppress plotting of errorbar caps for capsize=0. - NN

2007-06-02 Set markers to same alpha value as line. - NN

2007-06-02 Fix mathtext position in svg backend. - NN

2007-06-01 Deprecate Numeric and numarray for use as numerix. Props to
          Travis -- job well done. - ADS

2007-05-18 Added LaTeX unicode support. Enable with the
          'text.latex.unicode' rcParam. This requires the ucs and
          inputenc LaTeX packages. - ADS

2007-04-23 Fixed some problems with polar -- added general polygon
          clipping to clip the lines a nd grids to the polar axes.
          Added support for set_rmax to easily change the maximum
          radial grid.  Added support for polar legend - JDH

2007-04-16 Added Figure.autofmt_xdate to handle adjusting the bottom
          and rotating the tick labels for date plots when the ticks
          often overlap - JDH

2007-04-09 Beginnings of usetex support for pdf backend. -JKS

2007-04-07 Fixed legend/LineCollection bug. Added label support
          to collections. - EF

2007-04-06 Removed deprecated support for a float value as a gray-
          now it must be a string, like '0.5'.  Added alpha kwarg to
          ColorConverter.to_rgba_list. - EF

2007-04-06 Fixed rotation of ellipses in pdf backend
          (sf bug #1690559) -JKS

2007-04-04 More matshow tweaks; documentation updates; new method
          set_bounds() for formatters and locators. - EF

2007-04-02 Fixed problem with imshow and matshow of integer arrays;
          fixed problems with changes to color autoscaling. - EF

2007-04-01 Made image color autoscaling work correctly with
          a tracking colorbar; norm.autoscale now scales
          unconditionally, while norm.autoscale_None changes
          only None-valued vmin, vmax. - EF

2007-03-31 Added a qt-based subplot-adjustment dialog - DSD

2007-03-30 Fixed a bug in backend_qt4, reported on mpl-dev - DSD

2007-03-26 Removed colorbar_classic from; fixed bug in
          Figure.clf() in which _axobservers was not getting
          cleared.  Modernization and cleanups. - EF

2007-03-26 Refactored some of the units support -- units now live in
          the respective x and y Axis instances.  See also
          API_CHANGES for some alterations to the conversion
          interface.  JDH

2007-03-25 Fix masked array handling in for numpy. (Numeric
          and numarray support for masked arrays is broken in other
          ways when using quiver. I didn't pursue that.) - ADS

2007-03-23 Made close opened files. - JKS

2007-03-22 Made imshow default extent match matshow - EF

2007-03-22 Some more niceties for xcorr -- a maxlags option, normed
          now works for xcorr as well as axorr, usevlines is
          supported, and a zero correlation hline is added.  See
          examples/  Thanks Sameer for the patch.  -

2007-03-21 Axes.vlines and Axes.hlines now create and returns a
          LineCollection, not a list of lines.  This is much faster.
          The kwarg signature has changed, so consult the docs.
          Modified Axes.errorbar which uses vlines and hlines.  See
          API_CHANGES; the return signature for these three functions
          is now different

2007-03-20 Refactored units support and added new examples - JDH

2007-03-19 Added Mike's units patch - JDH

2007-03-18 Matshow as an Axes method; test version matshow1() in
          pylab; added 'integer' Boolean kwarg to MaxNLocator
          initializer to force ticks at integer locations. - EF

2007-03-17 Preliminary support for clipping to paths agg - JDH

2007-03-17 Text.set_text() accepts anything convertible with '%s' - EF

2007-03-14 Add masked-array support to hist. - EF

2007-03-03 Change barh to take a kwargs dict and pass it to bar.
          Fixes sf bug #1669506.

2007-03-02 Add rc parameter pdf.inheritcolor, which disables all
          color-setting operations in the pdf backend. The idea is
          that you include the resulting file in another program and
          set the colors (both stroke and fill color) there, so you
          can use the same pdf file for e.g. a paper and a
          presentation and have them in the surrounding color. You
          will probably not want to draw figure and axis frames in
          that case, since they would be filled in the same color. -

2007-02-26 Prevent building with broken Mac OS X wxPython. -

2007-02-23 Require setuptools for Python 2.3 - ADS

2007-02-22 WXAgg accelerator updates - KM
          WXAgg's C++ accelerator has been fixed to use the correct

          The backend has been updated to use new wxPython
functionality to
          provide fast blit() animation without the C++ accelerator.
          requires wxPython 2.8 or later.  Previous versions of
wxPython can
          use the C++ acclerator or the old pure Python routines.

 no longer builds the C++ accelerator when wxPython
>= 2.8
          is present.

          The blit() method is now faster regardless of which agg/
          conversion routines are used.

2007-02-21 Applied the PDF backend patch by Nicolas Grilly.
          This impacts several files and directories in matplotlib:

          - Created the directory lib/matplotlib/mpl-data/fonts/
            holding AFM files for the 14 PDF core fonts. These fonts
            embedded in every PDF viewing application.

          - Added the directory pdfcorefonts to

          - lib/matplotlib/ Added the default parameter
            'pdf.use14corefonts'. When True, the PDF backend uses
            only the 14 PDF core fonts.

          - lib/matplotlib/ Added some keywords found in
            recent AFM files. Added a little workaround to handle
            Euro symbol.

          - lib/matplotlib/ Added support for the 14
            PDF core fonts. These fonts have a dedicated cache (file
            pdfcorefont.cache), not the same as for other AFM files
            (file .afmfont.cache). Also cleaned comments to conform
            to CODING_GUIDE.

          - lib/matplotlib/backends/
            Added support for 14 PDF core fonts.
            Fixed some issues with incorrect character widths and
            encodings (works only for the most common encoding,
            WinAnsiEncoding, defined by the official PDF Reference).
            Removed parameter 'dpi' because it causes alignment

          -JKS (patch by Nicolas Grilly)

2007-02-17 Changed ft2font.get_charmap, and updated all the files
          get_charmap is mentioned - ES

2007-02-13 Added barcode demo- JDH

2007-02-13 Added binary colormap to cm - JDH

2007-02-13 Added twiny to pylab - JDH

2007-02-12 Moved data files into lib/matplotlib so that setuptools'
          develop mode works. Re-organized the mpl-data layout so
          that this source structure is maintained in the
          installation. (I.e. the 'fonts' and 'images'
          sub-directories are maintained in site-packages.)  Suggest
          removing site-packages/matplotlib/mpl-data and
          ~/.matplotlib/ttffont.cache before installing - ADS

2007-02-07 Committed Rob Hetland's patch for qt4: remove
          references to text()/latin1(), plus some improvements
          to the toolbar layout - DSD

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