Building a Python app with Mozilla

Diez B. Roggisch deets at
Sat Jun 30 04:13:58 EDT 2007

> You apparently didn't look very hard.  On the wxPython end of things 
> (which I have experience with), there is wxGlade, XRCed, Boa 
> Constructor, Dabo, etc.  I don't know about Tkinter (I don't use it), 
> but I know that at least Qt has a very nice GUI designer and builder 
> (from Trolltech if you are willing to pay for it), and if I remember 
> correctly, Eric4 offers some tools to make PyQt editing nice and 
> friendly.  I'm sure there are others.

You're somewhat wrong regarding Qt. The designer is free (I did never 
use a commercial Qt, maybe there comes something additional - but IF I 
don't have the faintest idea what it could do that would make it better 
than the free designer.)

And eric is cool and integrates with Qt (and is an example of a Qt-app 
itself), via launching the designer - but it hasn't have any 
gui-building stuff in there.


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