Trivial string substitution/parser
Duncan Booth
duncan.booth at invalid.invalid
Sun Jun 17 07:00:58 EDT 2007
Samuel <newsgroups at> wrote:
> Hi,
> How would you implement a simple parser for the following string:
> ---
> In this string $variable1 is substituted, while \$variable2 is not.
> ---
> I know how to write a parser, but I am looking for an elegant (and lazy)
> way. Any idea?
The elegant and lazy way would be to change your specification so that $
characters are escaped by $$ not by backslashes. Then you can write:
>>> from string import Template
>>> t = Template("In this string $variable1 is substituted, while
$$variable2 is not.")
>>> t.substitute(variable1="hello", variable2="world")
'In this string hello is substituted, while $variable2 is not.'
If you must insist on using backslash escapes (which introduces the
question of how you get backslashes into the output: do they have to be
escaped as well?) then use string.Template with a custom pattern.
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