Python app as a Display Manager

hg hg at
Sat Jun 30 21:13:45 EDT 2007


I asked that question a while back ... and then gave up:

I want to write a simple display manager (*nix / X11) in Python.

I'm going through lots of documentation as well as the code of XDM.

1) I currently understand that the "X11 Intrinsics" are what I need to
master in order to get there.

2) Also, it seems that The Python app needs to adjust to X11 callbacks ...
although I will use TKinter or another Framework to actually do the

I feel at this stage that what I miss is: assuming I manage to get a
python-based dialog box started automatically from init.rc (instead of xdm,
gdm, ...): how do I start an X11 session with the user/pw information
retrieved ... + set the correct *nix environment variables.

Can you direct me some info / give me a clue ?

Many thanks,


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