Python, Dutch, English, Chinese, Japanese, etc.
Steve Howell
showell30 at
Mon Jun 4 06:30:58 EDT 2007
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--- montyphyton at wrote:
> what about slavic languages?
> in croatian you have five accented letters plus
> three letters for
> digrahps. russian, bulgarian, serbian, macedonian,
> ukranian etc. use
> cyrilic alphabet (lets not forget that russia isn't
> that small -
> around 150 million people), polish also has some of
> its own
> characters...
> all in all, it is estimated that some 400 million
> people speak slavic
> languages...
Agreed, but FWIW, if you compared Slavic-writing
people to Chinese-writing people, I would think that a
higher percentage of Slavic-writing people would be
bilingual in terms of their ability to write code in
non-Slavic alphabets, due to various
cultural/geographical factors.
I don't predict a huge upswing in Slavic-writing
Python programmers after PEP 3131, even among
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