Adding method to a class on the fly

attn.steven.kuo at attn.steven.kuo at
Fri Jun 22 18:52:28 EDT 2007

On Jun 22, 2:44 pm, John Henry <john106he... at> wrote:
> On Jun 22, 2:28 pm, askel <dummy... at> wrote:


> The above doesn't exactly do I what need.  I was looking for a way to
> add method to a class at run time.

I'm not sure what you mean by this.  Bind an attribute -- a method --
to class Dummy if and only if an instance of this class is created?

> What does work, is to define an entire sub-class at run time.  Like:
> class DummyParent:
>     def __init__(self):
>         return
>     def method_static(self, text):
>         print text
>         return
> text = "class Dummy(DummyParent):"
> text += "\n\t" + "def __init(self):"
> text += "\n\t" + "\tDummyParent.__init__(self)"
> text += "\n\t" + "def method_dynamic(self):"
> text += "\n\t" + "\tself.method_static(\"it's me\")"
> exec text
> dum=Dummy().method_dynamic()
> Thanks again.

I tend to avoid exec if possible.  Also, you
seem to be a bit inexact with regard to the
term "static".

class Dummy(object):
    def __init__(self):
        new_method_name = 'method_dynamic'
            getattr(Dummy, new_method_name)
        except AttributeError:
            print "Creating an instance method..."
            def newf(self):
                """Something Descriptive Here"""
                return self.method_static("it's me")
            newf.__name__ = new_method_name
            setattr(Dummy, new_method_name, newf)
    def method_static(self, text):
        """I hate this name.  Do not confuse this with a staticmethod;
        what you probably meant was that this is an attribute (a
        bound within the class body as opposed to elsewhere"""
        print text
        return # is this necessary?

d1 = Dummy()
d2 = Dummy()
print d1.method_dynamic.im_func.__name__
print d1.method_dynamic.im_func.__dict__
print d1.method_dynamic.im_func.__doc__
print d1.method_dynamic.im_func.__module__
print d1.method_dynamic.im_self

Hope this helps,

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