Questions about mathematical and statistical functionality in Python
Josh Gilbert
jgilbert.r at
Thu Jun 14 21:08:08 EDT 2007
On Thursday 14 June 2007 5:54 pm, Tim Churches wrote:
> Michael Hoffman wrote:
> > Talbot Katz wrote:
> >> I hope you'll indulge an ignorant outsider. I work at a financial
> >> software firm, and the tool I currently use for my research is R, a
> >> software environment for statistical computing and graphics. R is
> >> designed with matrix manipulation in mind, and it's very easy to do
> >> regression and time series modeling, and to plot the results and test
> >> hypotheses. The kinds of functionality we rely on the most are standard
> >> and robust versions of regression and principal component / factor
> >> analysis, bayesian methods such as Gibbs sampling and shrinkage, and
> >> optimization by linear, quadratic, newtonian / nonlinear, and genetic
> >> programming; frequently used graphics include QQ plots and histograms.
> >> In R, these procedures are all available as functions (some of them are
> >> in auxiliary libraries that don't come with the standard distribution,
> >> but are easily downloaded from a central repository).
> >
> > I use both R and Python for my work. I think R is probably better for
> > most of the stuff you are mentioning. I do any sort of heavy
> > lifting--database queries/tabulation/aggregation in Python and load the
> > resulting data frames into R for analysis and graphics.
> I would second that. It is not either/or. Use Python, including Numpy
> and matplotlib and packages from SciPy, for some things, and R for
> others. And you can even embed R in Python using RPy - see
> We use the combination of Python, Numpy (actually, the older Numeric
> Python package, but soon to be converted to Numpy), RPy and R in our
> NetEpi Analysis project - exploratory epidemiological analysis of large
> data sets - see - and it is a
> good combination - Python for the Web interface, data manipulation and
> data heavy-lifting, and for some of the more elementary statistics, and
> R for more involved statistical analysis and graphics (with teh option
> of using matplotlib or other Python-based graphics packages for some
> tasks if we wish). The main thing to remember, though, is that indexing
> is zero-based in Python and 1-based in R...
> Tim C
Thirded. I use R, Python, Matlab along with other languages (I hate pipeline
pilot) in my work and from what I've seen nothing can compare with R when it
comes to stats. I love R, from its brilliant CRAN system (PyPI needs serious
work to be considered in the same class as CPAN et al) to its delicious Emacs
I just wish there was a way to distribute R packages without requiring the
user to separately install R.
In a similar vein, I wish there was a reasonable Free Software equivalent to
Spotfire. The closest I've found (and they're nowhere near as good) are
Orange ( and WEKA
( Orange is written in Python, but its
tied to QT 2.x as the 3.x series was not available on Windows under the GPL.
Josh Gilbert
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