getting the size of an object

John Machin sjmachin at
Mon Jun 18 19:30:53 EDT 2007

On Jun 19, 9:00 am, 7stud <bbxx789_0... at> wrote:
> On Jun 18, 10:07 am, "filox" <filox_realmmakni... at> wrote:
> > is there a way to find out the size of an object in Python? e.g., how could
> > i get the size of a list or a tuple?
> > --
> > You're never too young to have a Vietnam flashback
> You can use the struct module to find the size in bytes:
>     import struct
>     mylist = [10, 3.7, "hello"]
>     int_count = 0
>     float_count = 0
>     char_count = 0
>     for elmt in mylist:
>         if type(elmt) == int:
>             int_count += 1
>         elif type(elmt) == float:
>             float_count += 1
>         elif type(elmt) == str:
>             char_count += len(elmt)
>     format_string = "%di%dd%dc" % (int_count, float_count, char_count)
>     list_size_in_bytes  = struct.calcsize(format_string)
>     print list_size_in_bytes
> --output:--
> 17

That would give you the size taken up by the values. However each
object has in addition to its value, a pointer to its type, and a
reference count -- together an extra 8 bytes each on a 32-bit CPython
implementation. A second problem is that your calculation doesn't
allow for the interning of some str values and some int values. A
third problem is that it caters only for int, float and str elements
-- others count for nothing.

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