Pasting an image from clipboard in Tkinter?

exhuma.twn exhuma at
Mon Jun 11 10:07:21 EDT 2007

On Jun 11, 3:47 pm, kyoso... at wrote:
> On Jun 11, 7:23 am, "exhuma.twn" <exh... at> wrote:
> > As many might know, windows allows to copy an image into the clipboard
> > by pressing the "Print Screen" button on the keyboard. Is it possible
> > to paste such an image from the clipboard into a "Text" widget in
> > Tkinter? Here is my first attempt with just trying to print out the
> > image data:
> > -----------------
> > def pasteImg(tgt):
> >    global clipboardEnabled
> >    if not clipboardEnabled: return
> >    win32clipboard.OpenClipboard(0)
> >    print win32clipboard.GetClipboardData()
> >    win32clipboard.CloseClipboard()
> > -----------------
> > This works fine with selecting text, but comes up with the following
> > error when trying to paste an image:
> > -----------------
> > Exception in Tkinter callback
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >   File "C:\Python25\lib\lib-tk\", line 1403, in __call__
> >     return self.func(*args)
> >   File "X:\development\testing\tkwiki\", line 52, in <lambda>
> >     Button( root, command=lambda: pasteImg(txt) ).pack()
> >   File "X:\development\testing\tkwiki\", line 38, in pasteImg
> >     print win32clipboard.GetClipboardData()
> > TypeError: Specified clipboard format is not available
> > -----------------
> > Obviously the clipboard does not know about that format. Does that
> > mean I have to wait until it's implemented or are there other ways to
> > access the image data?
> I don't think you can paste to a text widget, but I could be mistaken.
> This link talks about pasting an image into a window, but I don't
> think it's really what you want...however, it might give you some
> ideas:
> (see the "Drawing Images" section)
> This link also talks about some of the same things:
> If I understand them correctly, it sounds like you could possibly
> catch the the paste operation and convert the image to a TkImage and
> then paste it. I think that since it is in the clipboard, then it is a
> file object and this may work. I just don't know how you intercept a
> paste.
> Mike

Unfortunately, when they talk about "pasting" they talk about a PIL
method called paste, which (if I understood correctly) deals with
blitting one image onto another. Not "pasting" as in copy/paste from

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