stdout/err and C extentions
Robert Bauck Hamar
roberth+news at
Tue Jun 12 15:45:22 EDT 2007
hg wrote:
> Hi,
> I have the following
> ********************* C extention - redir.c
> #include "Python.h"
> PyObject * test_redir_test(PyObject *self) {
> fprintf(stdout, "Hello from an extention!\n");
> Py_INCREF(Py_None);
> return Py_None;
> }
> *********************** python test script:
> import sys
> class My_Stdout:
> def write(self, p_string):
> l_file = open('res.txt','a')
> l_file.write(p_string)
> l_file.close
> sys.stdout = My_Stdout()
> print 'toto'
> import test_redir
> test_redir.test()
> **************** Question:
> print 'toto' does go to "res.txt" while "Hello from an extention!\n" goes
> to the console.
> Any clue ?
There is no portable way to change the location of stdout during execution
of a program. If you want to print with whatever is sys.stdout from an
extension module, you should call sys.stdout's write method dynamically
from C.
Robert Bauck Hamar
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