eggs considered harmful
Harry George at
Fri Jun 22 01:25:51 EDT 2007
Robert Kern <robert.kern at> writes:
> Harry George wrote:
> > least around here.
> >
> > I run a corporate Open Source Software Toolkit, which makes hundreds
> > of libraries and apps available to thousands of technical employees.
> > The rules are that a) a very few authorized downloaders obtain
> > tarballs and put them in a depot and b) other users get tarballs from
> > the depot and build from source.
> >
> > Historically, python packages played well in this context. Install
> > was a simple download, untar, build/install.
> >
> > Eggs and with other setuptools-inspired install processes break this
> > paradigm. The tarballs are incomplete in the first place. The builds
> > sometimes wander off to the internet looking for more downloads. The
> > installs sometimes wander off to the internet looking for
> > compatibility conditions. (Or rather they try to do so and fail
> > because I don't let themn through the firewall.)
> Have you considered establishing a policy that these setuptools-using packages
> should be installed using the --single-version-externally-managed option to the
> install command? This does not check for dependencies.
I didn't know that one. I'll try it. Thanks.
> Alternately, you can provide a company repository of the tarballs and their
> depedencies tarballs. Your users can use the easy_install option --find-links to
> point to that URL such that they do not have to go outside of the firewall to
> install everything.
This is a possibility. The tarballs can be seen in a directory
listing. They are in different subdirs (for different "bundles" of
functionality), so I'll need -f to look several places.
> > These are unacceptable behaviors. I am therefore dropping ZODB3, and
> > am considering dropping TurboGears and ZSI. If the egg paradigm
> > spreads, yet more packages will be dropped (or will never get a chance
> > to compete for addition).
> I'm sorry to hear that.
Me too. We worked long and hard to get Python established as a
standard language for corporate systems development, we have a host of
projects that need ZSI, and I look forward to making further inroads
into C++, Java, and VB development camps. Didn't really need a
roadblock at this point.
> > I've asked before, and I'll ask again: If you are doing a Python
> > project, please make a self-sufficient tarball available as well. You
> > can have dependencies, as long as they are documented and can be
> > obtained by separate manual download.
> Given the options I outlined above, you can easily satisfy these requirements
> for the vast majority of setuptools-using packages that are out there. There are
> a handful of packages that only distribute the eggs and not the source tarballs,
> but those are rare.
I agree pure eggs are rare. The fact that they increased this past
quarter was what concerned me. ZODB even looks like a normal tarball,
builds ok, but uses a easy-install-style lookup during install.
> --
> Robert Kern
> "I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
> that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
> an underlying truth."
> -- Umberto Eco
Harry George
PLM Engineering Architecture
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