Generator expression parenthesis mixed with function call ones

Facundo Batista facundo at
Wed Mar 7 11:08:44 EST 2007

Laurent Pointal wrote:

>>>> f(4,i for i in range(10))
>   File "<stdin>", line 1
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
> Why does Python allow generator expression parenthesis to be mixed with
> function call parenthesis when there is only one parameter ?

For simplicity and elegant coding, so you can do something like you did
at first:

  sum(i for i in range(10))

> IMHO this should be forbidden, usage must not be different when there is
> only one parameter and when there are more parameters.

The problem in your last test is that if you use more than one argument,
you *must* use the parenthesis. In Py2.5 there's a better message error:

>>> f(4,i for i in range(10))
  File "<stdin>", line 1
SyntaxError: Generator expression must be parenthesized if not sole argument

The correct way to do that is:

>>> f(4,(i for i in range(10)))
4 (<generator object at 0xb7dab56c>,)


.   Facundo

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