Weekly Python Patch/Bug Summary
Kurt B. Kaiser
kbk at shore.net
Sun Mar 11 20:27:51 EDT 2007
Patch / Bug Summary
Patches : 380 open (-36) / 3658 closed (+65) / 4038 total (+29)
Bugs : 965 open ( -9) / 6555 closed (+35) / 7520 total (+26)
RFE : 272 open ( +4) / 253 closed ( +2) / 525 total ( +6)
New / Reopened Patches
Extension documentation for subclasses (2007-03-01)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1671450 opened by Pete Shinners
MultiCall bug crashing the config dialog (2007-03-02)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1672481 opened by Tal Einat
urllib2 requests history + HEAD support (2007-03-03)
http://python.org/sf/1673007 opened by KDanilov aka koder
README update: Bash default on ac OS X (2007-03-03)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1673121 opened by Witten
Mac OS X: libtool (2007-03-03)
http://python.org/sf/1673122 opened by Witten
change repr(...) from 'Ellipsis' to '...' (2007-03-04)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1673355 opened by John Reese
Identify modules to be built and not built (2007-03-04)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1673619 opened by Skip Montanaro
'G' formatting doesn't catch same errors as 'g' (2007-03-04)
http://python.org/sf/1673759 opened by Eric V. Smith
Identify modules which couldn't be built (2007-03-04)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1673619 reopened by loewis
sq_ass_slice ignored if sq_slice not defined (2007-03-05)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1674228 opened by ?iga Seilnacht
Epoll wrapper (2007-03-06)
http://python.org/sf/1675118 opened by TH
Draft implementation for PEP 364 (2007-03-06)
http://python.org/sf/1675334 opened by Barry A. Warsaw
PEP 3114 -- next() -> __next__() (2007-03-07)
http://python.org/sf/1675363 opened by Georg Brandl
Make PyComplex_AsCComplex use __complex__ (2007-03-07)
http://python.org/sf/1675423 opened by Mark Dickinson
Zipfile tweaks and test coverage improvement (2007-03-06)
http://python.org/sf/1675424 opened by Alan McIntyre
Use getaddrinfo() in urllib2.py for IPv6 support (2007-03-07)
http://python.org/sf/1675455 opened by David Cantrell
Refactor test_pty.py to use unittest. (2007-03-06)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1675471 opened by Jerry Seutter
[gzip] Performance for small reads and fix seek problem (2007-03-07)
http://python.org/sf/1675951 opened by Florian Festi
Remove dead code in typeobject's type_new() (2007-03-07)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1675981 opened by ?iga Seilnacht
Remove trailing slash from --prefix (2007-03-07)
http://python.org/sf/1676135 opened by Björn Lindqvist
New File I/O type for Python 3000, plus .h and unit tests (2007-02-28)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1671314 reopened by collinwinter
Add a PeriodicTimer to threading (2007-03-08)
http://python.org/sf/1676820 opened by Björn Lindqvist
Adding timeout to socket.py and httplib.py (2007-03-08)
http://python.org/sf/1676823 opened by Facundo Batista
Refactor test_popen2.py to use unittest. (2007-03-08)
http://python.org/sf/1676994 opened by Jerry Seutter
Support CREATE_SUSPENDED flag in subprocess.py for Win32 (2007-03-09)
http://python.org/sf/1677688 opened by Chris Heller
site.py small ?bug fix | change? (2007-03-10)
http://python.org/sf/1677862 opened by KDanilov aka koder
Efficient reverse line iterator (2007-03-10)
http://python.org/sf/1677872 opened by Mark Russell
Removal of Tuple Parameter Unpacking [PEP3113] (2007-03-10)
http://python.org/sf/1678060 opened by Tony Lownds
improve telnetlib.Telnet so option negotiation becomes easie (2007-03-10)
http://python.org/sf/1678077 opened by Björn Lindqvist
Refactor test_operations.py to use unittest. (2007-03-10)
http://python.org/sf/1678088 opened by Jerry Seutter
Adding a testcase for the bug in find_longest_match (2007-03-11)
http://python.org/sf/1678339 opened by Denys Rtveliashvili
A fix for the bug #1528074 [warning: quite slow] (2007-03-11)
http://python.org/sf/1678345 opened by Denys Rtveliashvili
Patches Closed
Extension documentation for subclasses (2007-03-01)
http://python.org/sf/1671450 closed by gbrandl
MultiCall bug crashing the config dialog (2007-03-02)
http://python.org/sf/1672481 closed by gbrandl
README update: Bash default on Mac OS X (2007-03-03)
http://python.org/sf/1673121 closed by gbrandl
change repr(...) from 'Ellipsis' to '...' (2007-03-04)
http://python.org/sf/1673355 closed by gvanrossum
Use a set to keep interned strings (2006-06-16)
http://python.org/sf/1507011 closed by loewis
Add support for the If-Modified-Since header (2006-03-04)
http://python.org/sf/1442867 closed by loewis
N-d array interface for array object (2006-03-18)
http://python.org/sf/1452906 closed by loewis
Fix for win32 proxy bypass support (no_proxy) in urllib(2) (2005-03-01)
http://python.org/sf/1154227 closed by loewis
Names conflict with QT (on linux) (2005-03-08)
http://python.org/sf/1158926 closed by loewis
PYTHONBYTECODEBASE patch (PEP 304) (2003-01-29)
http://python.org/sf/677103 closed by loewis
Identify modules which couldn't be built (2007-03-04)
http://python.org/sf/1673619 closed by montanaro
Identify modules which couldn't be built (2007-03-04)
http://python.org/sf/1673619 closed by loewis
sq_ass_slice ignored if sq_slice not defined (2007-03-05)
http://python.org/sf/1674228 closed by gbrandl
Add syntax for dynamic attribute access (2007-02-11)
http://python.org/sf/1657573 closed by bennorth
ZipFile.open - read-only file-like obj for files in archive (2005-02-12)
http://python.org/sf/1121142 closed by loewis
2 Tools for easy inter-thread communication->Queue,threading (2006-03-20)
http://python.org/sf/1454452 closed by loewis
Patch to implement PEP 351 (2005-10-23)
http://python.org/sf/1335812 closed by bwarsaw
PEP 343 implementation (2005-07-11)
http://python.org/sf/1235943 closed by gbrandl
Fix for #947380 - sys.path is wrong on windows sometimes (2004-05-04)
http://python.org/sf/947386 closed by zseil
enable "python -m doctest FILE" to run tests in FILE (2007-02-19)
http://python.org/sf/1663234 closed by gbrandl
small sanity checks for user-defined mros (2005-03-15)
http://python.org/sf/1163731 closed by loewis
add None values in SimpleXMLRPCServer (2006-12-18)
http://python.org/sf/1618485 closed by collinwinter
HTMLParser should support entities in attributes (2004-03-09)
http://python.org/sf/912410 closed by loewis
Little (improvement and standarization) to asyncore. (2004-03-11)
http://python.org/sf/914096 closed by josiahcarlson
gzip.GzipFile to accept stream as fileobj. (2004-03-11)
http://python.org/sf/914340 closed by gbrandl
operator.c slice functions need to parse ssize_t (2007-02-07)
http://python.org/sf/1654417 closed by gbrandl
ConfigParser getboolean() consistency (2007-01-28)
http://python.org/sf/1646432 closed by gbrandl
clarify comparison return values (2006-11-24)
http://python.org/sf/1602128 closed by gbrandl
Fix to the long("123\0", 10) problem (2007-01-18)
http://python.org/sf/1638879 closed by gbrandl
Implementation of PEP 362 (2006-08-22)
http://python.org/sf/1544909 closed by bcannon
Improved profiler (2005-06-01)
http://python.org/sf/1212837 closed by arigo
fix bug #670311: sys.exit and PYTHONINSPECT (2003-03-04)
http://python.org/sf/697613 closed by gbrandl
Fix strange warnings from interpreter if PYTHONSTARTUP used (2003-03-14)
http://python.org/sf/703779 closed by gbrandl
glob doesn't return unicode with no dir in unicode filename (2004-08-01)
http://python.org/sf/1001604 closed by gbrandl
dircache fix; raise like os.listdir, plus optimization (2004-07-25)
http://python.org/sf/997726 closed by gbrandl
Refactor test_pty.py to use unittest. (2007-03-07)
http://python.org/sf/1675471 closed by gbrandl
More precise realm parsing in AbstractBasicAuthHandler (2003-09-25)
http://python.org/sf/812285 closed by gbrandl
Add a test suite for unittest (2006-09-01)
http://python.org/sf/1550272 closed by gbrandl
Fix numerous bugs in unittest (2006-09-01)
http://python.org/sf/1550273 closed by gbrandl
unittest.py: Custom TestRunners and --verbose (2003-08-13)
http://python.org/sf/787789 closed by gbrandl
set comprehensions (2006-08-29)
http://python.org/sf/1548388 closed by gbrandl
ConfigParser to save with order (2006-01-07)
http://python.org/sf/1399309 closed by facundobatista
Remove dead code in typeobject's type_new() (2007-03-07)
http://python.org/sf/1675981 closed by zseil
Fixes SocketServer Bug 1531963 (2006-08-22)
http://python.org/sf/1545011 closed by collinwinter
Unification of list-comp and for syntax (2006-05-21)
http://python.org/sf/1492509 closed by collinwinter
Complex representation (2006-05-19)
http://python.org/sf/1491866 closed by collinwinter
Remove operator.truth() and operator.abs() (2006-07-13)
http://python.org/sf/1522059 closed by collinwinter
XML Test Runner for unittest module (2006-07-14)
http://python.org/sf/1522704 closed by collinwinter
New File I/O type for Python 3000, plus .h and unit tests (2007-02-28)
http://python.org/sf/1671314 closed by collinwinter
New File I/O type for Python 3000, plus .h and unit tests (2007-02-28)
http://python.org/sf/1671314 closed by gvanrossum
ast branch changed interactive module name (2006-06-25)
http://python.org/sf/1512007 closed by collinwinter
Patch for bug #1380970 (2006-01-25)
http://python.org/sf/1414934 closed by collinwinter
email.utils.parsedate documentation (2007-01-19)
http://python.org/sf/1639973 closed by collinwinter
Module fixedlenfields for standard lib (2005-11-29)
http://python.org/sf/1369028 closed by collinwinter
don't use '-' and '_' in mkstemp (2007-02-25)
http://python.org/sf/1668482 closed by collinwinter
Strobe Timer for guis (2005-09-26)
http://python.org/sf/1304895 closed by collinwinter
Fix for bug 494589 (2002-12-25)
http://python.org/sf/658599 closed by nnorwitz
Support of HTTP_REFERER in CGIHTTPServer.py (2006-05-03)
http://python.org/sf/1481079 closed by collinwinter
Improves an error message from setattr (2006-06-26)
http://python.org/sf/1512942 closed by collinwinter
RFE: Extend smtplib.py with support for LMTP (2004-05-19)
http://python.org/sf/957003 closed by loewis
TCPServer option to bind and activate (2006-11-20)
http://python.org/sf/1599845 closed by collinwinter
os.py: base class _Environ on dict instead of UserDict (2005-01-02)
http://python.org/sf/1094387 closed by collinwinter
Add missing types to __builtin__ (2004-08-16)
http://python.org/sf/1009811 closed by collinwinter
Patch for 1115886 - splitext incorrectly handles filenames l (2006-03-31)
http://python.org/sf/1462106 closed by loewis
New / Reopened Bugs
python code fails with "MemoryError" on HP-UX 11.11 PA_RISC (2007-03-01)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1671411 opened by shashi
test_mailbox is hanging while doing gmake test on HP-UX v3 (2007-03-01)
http://python.org/sf/1671676 opened by shashi
shutil.copy2 modifies decimal part of last modification time (2007-03-01)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1671965 opened by Guy Dalberto
cPickle can pickle, but cannot unpickle on 64bit machines (2007-03-02)
http://python.org/sf/1672332 opened by Bartlomiej Ogryczak
Building python 2.5 for AMD64 (windows) and VS2005 (2007-03-02)
http://python.org/sf/1672336 opened by fred2k
datetime.fromtimestamp fails with negative fractional times (2007-01-28)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1646728 reopened by gvanrossum
silent error in email.message.Message.get_payload (2007-03-02)
http://python.org/sf/1672568 opened by Renaud Blanch
Error reading files larger than 4GB (2007-03-03)
http://python.org/sf/1672853 opened by Case Van Horsen
date-datetime comparison doesn't work (2007-03-04)
http://python.org/sf/1673403 opened by Jon Ribbens
None-datetime comparison doesn't work (2007-03-04)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1673405 opened by Jon Ribbens
datetime module missing some important methods (2007-03-04)
http://python.org/sf/1673409 opened by Jon Ribbens
string and unicode formatting are missing a test for "G" (2007-03-04)
http://python.org/sf/1673757 opened by Eric V. Smith
2.4.4 Logging LogRecord attributes broken (2007-02-26)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1669498 reopened by murrayg
Unicode xmlcharrefreplace produces backslash not xml style. (2007-03-05)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1674223 opened by Stanley Sokolow
execfile() response to syntax errors (2007-03-05)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1674503 opened by Jonathan Griffitts
Python 2.5 testsuite sys.path contains system dirs (2007-03-06)
http://python.org/sf/1674555 opened by Theodoros V. Kalamatianos
Redirect cause invalid descriptor error (2007-03-06)
http://python.org/sf/1675026 opened by Jean-Marc Ranger
Python still uses broken -xcode option on Solaris/x86 (2007-03-07)
http://python.org/sf/1675511 opened by Carson Gaspar
random.randint fails on lists (2007-03-07)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1675516 opened by sardonics
setup.py LDFLAGS regexp is wrong (2007-03-07)
http://python.org/sf/1675533 opened by Carson Gaspar
Python2.5 can't read a (complex) pickle build by python2.4 (2007-03-07)
http://python.org/sf/1675967 opened by Michael Vogt
Problem linking to readline lib on x86(64) Solaris (2007-03-07)
http://python.org/sf/1676121 opened by Alexander Belopolsky
scheduler.empty() in module sched appears broken (2007-03-08)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1676321 opened by Mark
Stdlib reference is in italics (2007-03-08)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1676656 opened by Björn Lindqvist
Complex OverflowError has a typo (2007-03-09)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1676971 opened by John Dong
test_timeout refactoring (2007-03-10)
http://python.org/sf/1677694 opened by Björn Lindqvist
zlib.crc32() not cross-platform (2007-03-10)
http://python.org/sf/1678102 opened by Ben Collver
0.0 and -0.0 identified, with surprising results (2007-03-11)
http://python.org/sf/1678380 reopened by marketdickinson
0.0 and -0.0 identified, with surprising results (2007-03-11)
http://python.org/sf/1678380 opened by Mark Dickinson
StringIO / cStringIO inconsistency with unicode (2007-03-11)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1678411 opened by Armin Rigo
Weird behavior Exception with unicode string (2007-03-11)
http://python.org/sf/1678647 opened by Leandro Lucarella
Bugs Closed
python code fails with "MemoryError" on HP-UX 11.11 PA_RISC (2007-03-01)
http://python.org/sf/1671411 closed by loewis
Python needs a way to detect implementation (2007-02-27)
http://python.org/sf/1669743 closed by loewis
Pydoc sets choices for doc locations incorrectly (2007-01-05)
http://python.org/sf/1628895 closed by gbrandl
shutil.copy2 modifies decimal part of last modification time (2007-03-01)
http://python.org/sf/1671965 closed by loewis
datetime.fromtimestamp fails with negative fractional times (2007-01-29)
http://python.org/sf/1646728 closed by gbrandl
datetime.fromtimestamp fails with negative fractional times (2007-01-28)
http://python.org/sf/1646728 closed by gvanrossum
Clarify PyMem_Realloc and PyMem_Resize docs (2007-02-26)
http://python.org/sf/1669304 closed by gbrandl
PyMem_Realloc docs don't specifiy out-of-mem behavior (2007-02-24)
http://python.org/sf/1668032 closed by gbrandl
PyMem_Resize docs don't specify that it modifies an argument (2007-02-24)
http://python.org/sf/1668036 closed by gbrandl
None-datetime comparison doesn't work (2007-03-04)
http://python.org/sf/1673405 closed by tim_one
2.4.4 Logging LogRecord attributes broken (2007-02-26)
http://python.org/sf/1669498 closed by vsajip
Unicode xmlcharrefreplace produces backslash not xml style. (2007-03-05)
http://python.org/sf/1674223 closed by doerwalter
curses should reset curses.{COLS,LINES} when term. resized (2007-01-12)
http://python.org/sf/1633621 closed by doerwalter
execfile() response to syntax errors (2007-03-05)
http://python.org/sf/1674503 closed by gbrandl
PyType_IsSubtype segfaults (2007-02-19)
http://python.org/sf/1663392 closed by sf-robot
sys.path is wrong in some cases (2004-05-04)
http://python.org/sf/947380 closed by gbrandl
inspect.getargspec() fails with keyword-only arguments (2007-02-25)
http://python.org/sf/1668565 closed by bcannon
os.path.splitext don't handle unix hidden file correctly (2005-02-04)
http://python.org/sf/1115886 closed by loewis
sys.exit and PYTHONINSPECT (2003-01-18)
http://python.org/sf/670311 closed by gbrandl
-xcode=pic32 option is not supported on Solaris x86 Sun C (2006-09-19)
http://python.org/sf/1561333 closed by gbrandl
random.randint fails on lists (2007-03-07)
http://python.org/sf/1675516 closed by quiver
document that shutil.copyfileobj does not seek() (2007-02-26)
http://python.org/sf/1669331 closed by gbrandl
shutil.copyfileobj description is incomplete (2007-02-10)
http://python.org/sf/1656578 closed by gbrandl
Enhance and correct unittest's docs (redux) (2006-09-01)
http://python.org/sf/1550263 closed by gbrandl
Handle: class MyTest(unittest.TestSuite) (2004-01-16)
http://python.org/sf/878275 closed by gbrandl
scheduler.empty() in module sched appears broken (2007-03-08)
http://python.org/sf/1676321 closed by rhettinger
Stdlib reference is in italics (2007-03-08)
http://python.org/sf/1676656 closed by gbrandl
evaluated code filename changed to <module> instead of ? (2006-06-29)
http://python.org/sf/1514617 closed by collinwinter
make_table in difflib does not work with unicode (2007-01-17)
http://python.org/sf/1637850 closed by rhettinger
Complex OverflowError has a typo (2007-03-08)
http://python.org/sf/1676971 closed by nnorwitz
documentation of email.utils.parsedate is confusing (2007-01-06)
http://python.org/sf/1629566 closed by collinwinter
ctypes.string_at(buf, 0) is seen as zero-terminated-string (2007-01-28)
http://python.org/sf/1646630 closed by theller
test_logging fails with reference count-checking enabled (2006-07-04)
http://python.org/sf/1516995 closed by vsajip
ctypes.Structure formal parameter dies given tuple (2007-02-03)
http://python.org/sf/1651235 closed by theller
SocketServer.TCPServer returns different ports (2006-07-31)
http://python.org/sf/1531963 closed by collinwinter
Nested class __name__ (2002-11-05)
http://python.org/sf/633930 closed by gvanrossum
SocketServer allow_reuse_address checked in constructor (2006-11-13)
http://python.org/sf/1595742 closed by collinwinter
StringIO / cStringIO inconsistency with unicode (2007-03-11)
http://python.org/sf/1678411 closed by arigo
New / Reopened RFE
add identity function (2007-03-04)
http://python.org/sf/1673203 opened by paul rubin
Make threading.Event().wait(timeout=3) return isSet (2007-03-05)
http://python.org/sf/1674032 opened by David Fraser
funcName and module incorrectly reported in logging (2007-03-05)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1674315 opened by Michael Garvin
RFE Closed
funcName and module incorrectly reported in logging (2007-03-05)
http://python.org/sf/1674315 closed by gbrandl
Interpreter should be interruptable everywhere (2004-10-08)
http://python.org/sf/1043446 closed by rhettinger
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