Embedding and undefined symbols

Lane Brooks lbrooks at mit.edu
Mon Mar 19 11:54:56 EDT 2007

I am embedding python into a linux shared library (let's call it 

The main application loads this shared library dynamically using libdl 
and is not linked against libembedpy.so

Under this scenerio, I get ImportErrors when I try import modules:

   File "test.py", line 3, in ?
     import time
ImportError: /usr/lib64/python2.4/lib-dynload/timemodule.so: undefined 
symbol: PyExc_ValueError

By building a simple test case, I can make this error go away if the 
main application links against the shared library libembedpy.so.  For 
the real case, however, I do not have access to the source, so I cannot 
relink it.

Any ideas of how to get rid of this problem?


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