Using remote source code
Shane Geiger
sgeiger at
Sun Mar 25 03:06:21 EDT 2007
I see that you aren't using ihooks. Below is an example I found that
uses ihooks. I think it would be worth comparing and contrasting both
approaches (though I am not familar enough with this aspect of Python to
do so). IIRC, this code addresses some path related issues of other
import-from-file methods.
Note: This might not work from within ipython, but it works from within
The ihooks module
This module provides a framework for import replacements. The idea is to
allow several alternate
import mechanisms to co-exist.
Example: Using the ihooks module
import os
def writefile(f, data, perms=750): open(f, 'w').write(data) and
os.chmod(f, perms)
foobar = """
print "this is from the foobar module"
def x():
print "This is the x function."
writefile('/tmp/', foobar)
import ihooks, imp, os, sys
def import_from(filename):
"Import module from a named file"
if not os.path.exists(filename):
sys.stderr.write( "WARNING: Cannot import file." )
loader = ihooks.BasicModuleLoader()
path, file = os.path.split(filename)
name, ext = os.path.splitext(file)
m = loader.find_module_in_dir(name, path)
if not m:
raise ImportError, name
m = loader.load_module(name, m)
return m
foo = import_from("/tmp/")
print foo.x
print foo.x()
print foo.x()
pyapplico at wrote:
> On Mar 25, 3:20 pm, a... at (Alex Martelli) wrote:
>> <pyappl... at> wrote:
>>> Is there any possible way that I can place a .py file on the internet,
>>> and use that source code in an .py file on my computer?
>> You can write an import hook in any way you like; see
>> <> .
>> Here's a trivial example (bereft of much error checking, etc). I've
>> uploaded to toy module w/contents:
>> def foo(): return 'foo'
>> Here's a tiny program to import said module from my site:
>> import urllib2, sys, new
>> theurl = ''
>> class Examp(object):
>> names = set([ 'foo', ])
>> def find_module(self, fullname, path=None):
>> if fullname not in self.names: return None
>> = urllib2.urlopen(theurl+fullname+'.py')
>> return self
>> def load_module(self, fullname):
>> module = sys.modules.setdefault(fullname,
>> new.module(fullname))
>> module.__file__ = fullname
>> module.__loader__ = self
>> exec in module.__dict__
>> return module
>> def hooker(pathitem):
>> print 'hooker %r' % pathitem
>> if pathitem.startswith(theurl): return Examp()
>> raise ImportError
>> sys.path_hooks.append(hooker)
>> sys.path.append(theurl)
>> import foo
>> print
>> Alex
> Thanks for your help, now I can continue building my source code
> generator. :)
Shane Geiger
IT Director
National Council on Economic Education
sgeiger at | 402-438-8958 |
Leading the Campaign for Economic and Financial Literacy
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