detect suprocess interaction

Robin Becker robin at
Mon Mar 26 18:31:03 EDT 2007

Nick Craig-Wood wrote:
> Robin Becker <robin at> wrote:
>>  I'm using subprocess to carry out svn commands (probably should use the svn api 
>>  Clearly I need to supply some kind of input filelike object, but is this sort of 
>>  thing possible.
> Yes it is possible, but if you try it you'll find you'll need to
> implement the fileno() method of file objects which is asked to return
> an OS file handle.  This is obviously a problem!

yes I figured I might have to do something low level, but it's not 
terribly obvious that I can detect the read at the other end ie normally 
we seem to detect when output is available, not when a write is required 
ie I might be able to write to the input of my command even if the 
command won't read.

> In general subprocess isn't really designed for interactive
> processes like the above.  You'll find it much easier to use pexpect
> for interactive stuff.
> Note that svn has its own devious ways of finding a terminal to ask
> the user for the password, eg...
> $ svn ls svn+ssh://user@ </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1
> Password: 
> I don't know exactly how it does that but I suspect it is to do with
> the controlling terminal...
> On my system
> $ setsid svn ls svn+ssh://user@ </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1
> Pops up a gui box asking for the password!
> You can simulate the above with
>   Popen(..., stdin=file(os.devnull,"r"), preexec_fn=os.setsid)

this just makes life more interesting :)
Robin Becker

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