PEP 3131: Supporting Non-ASCII Identifiers

Terry Reedy tjreedy at
Sun May 13 16:56:22 EDT 2007

"Stefan Behnel" <stefan.behnel-n05pAM at> wrote in message 
news:46476081.7080609 at
| For example, I could write
|  def zieheDreiAbVon(wert):
|      return zieheAb(wert, 3)
| and most people on earth would not have a clue what this is good for. 
| someone who is fluent enough in German could guess from the names what 
this does.
| I do not think non-ASCII characters make this 'problem' any worse.

It is ridiculous claims like this and the consequent refusal to admit, 
address, and ameliorate the 50x worse problems that would be introduced 
that lead me to oppose the PEP in its current form.

Terry Jan Reedy

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