Comparing dates problem

Carsten Haese carsten at
Thu May 10 15:12:01 EDT 2007

On Thu, 2007-05-10 at 11:52 -0700, kyosohma at wrote:
> I'm sure there is a hack for doing something like what you suggest,
> but it would be messy. The problem is that I get a datetime object
> returned and division really isn't something you can do to one of
> those objects. Besides, if I had seconds returned, I would want to
> multiply by 60, not divide.

If you subtract that datetime object from the current datetime, you'll
get a timedelta object that gives you the number of days and seconds
(and microseconds, if you care) between the two datetimes:

>>> import datetime
>>> dt1 = datetime.datetime(2007,5,1,12,0,0)
>>> dt2 =
>>> delta = dt2 - dt1
>>> delta.days
>>> delta.seconds

Now, if 60 seconds are one minute, 11219 seconds are how many minutes?
(Answer left as an exercise for the reader.)

Hope this helps,

Carsten Haese

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