[f2py] f2py problem
fabien.wahl at snecma.fr
fabien.wahl at snecma.fr
Tue May 15 11:23:32 EDT 2007
f2py is a "dos" command, and cannot be run from inside python
open a dos window and type f2py on the prompt (provided that you indicate
the right path, or that you entered f2py path to the PATH variable)
if "f2py" does not work, try to type "f2py.py" instead.
Then read the help for the arguments
Fabien WAHL
Ing=E9nieur Etudes Nouvelles
Unit=E9 de conception de Turbomachines
SNECMA, Division Moteur Spatiaux
Direction Grosse Propulsion =E0 Liquides
For=EAt de Vernon BP 802
27208 VERNON
Tel +33 (0)2 32 21 72 77
Fax +33 (0)2 32 21 76 30
mailto:fabien.wahl at snecma.fr
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| | |
| | Alberto Vera |
| | <avera at coes.org.pe> |
| | Envoy=E9 par : |
| | f2py-users-bounces at c|
| | ens.ioc.ee |
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| | |
| | 15/05/2007 16:42 |
| | |
| Pour : f2py-users at cens.ioc.ee, python-list at python.org =
| cc : =
| Objet : [f2py] f2py problem =
After I installed f2py using Python, NumPy and Numarray software, I
can't use f2py
I saw this error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'f2py' is not defined
Could you tell me what is the problem?
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