Video: Professor of Physics Phd at Cal Tech says: 911 Inside Job
jbmccrann at
Wed May 2 23:07:53 EDT 2007
On 28 abr, 17:50, Major Quaternion Dirt Quantum <Qnc... at>
> here's a question that came-up recently,
> in battling with the controlled-demo advocates
> at teh Promenade:
> how is it that the metal was still molten,
> after weeks?
> it seems taht an additional hypothesis is required,
> to explain that. because I doubt that
> there was sufficient nukular material
> "left-over" from a hypothetical suitcase-device.
> there are similar question,
> from what I recall of Jones' report
> (I just stopped at the first thing
> that seemed funny, today .-)
> publications:
> research.html
> > > > demanding of INTELLECTUAL HONESTY.
> thus:
> this was basically assuming that
> floor 50 of a 100-floor building started the collapse?...
> interesting analysis; I hope to look at it, again, later.
> have you seen the old analysis by the MIT Head Welder,
> that I only saw a couple of weeks ago?
> > At time t=0, the top 50 floors begin to fall, independently of each
> > other. The first actual impact is when floor 50 hits floor 49. On
> > impact, those 2 floors fall together with an initial velocity that is
> > less than that of higher floors due to conservation of momentum. Thus
> > the next impact will not be floors 50,49 with floor 48 but rather it
> > will be floor 51 hitting the slower moving 50,49 combo. The 3 floors
> > 51,50,49 then become a unit. The initial velocity of the new 51,50,49
> > combo will be greater than the velocity of the 50-49 combo just before
> > impact, but still less than that of the floors above (which are still
> > in free fall).
> thus:
> "Global Warning,"
> an *anonymous* article in an old issue of *National Review*,
> the so-called conservative mag of the grotesque Establishment
> creature,
> William Buckley, was a sort of benignly-spun expose
> of the Mont Pelerin Society, the vehicle of British imperialist "free
> trade,"
> free beer & free dumb, whose many "rightwing" affiliate foundations
> are always in the news. the universally-newspaper-lauded-when-
> he-died founding president, Mitlon Friedman,
> used Sir Henry of Kiss.Ass. to conduct their first experiment
> in Chile, with the help of Augusto Pinochet & Dick Nixon.
> (the fact that it was an awful failure, with the privatization
> of Chile's social security, was only recently mention, but
> only before Uncly Milty died.)
> I realized, much later, since it was anonymous, that
> it was probably taken from The Holy Spook Economist, but
> I haven't checked that hypothesis.
> yes, "Warning" was meant to evoke "warming," although
> nowhere mentioned in the article, as I recall; can you say,
> "emmissions trading schemes," Boys and Girl?...
> can you say, "hedge funds on out-of-the-way desert islands?..."
> Just Desserts Island?
> thus:
> why do Dick, Borat, Osama, Harry P., Rumsfeld and Tony B. want us
> to underwrite the 3rd British Invasion of Sudan,
> so badly?
> anyway, Bertrand Russel published a jeremyad in the Bulletin
> of the Atomic Scientists, while the USA was the only thermonukey
> power,
> that we should bomb them into the Stone Age;
> that's your British "pacifist," whether before or after he went nuts
> because of Godel's proof.
> thus:
> if you can't prove that all Fermat numbers are pairwise coprime,
> again!
> Darfur 'Mini-Summit'
> thus:
> uh yeah; Borat wants you in Sudan,
> why, Baby?... Harry Potter wants you in Iran --
> yeah, Baby; shag'US with a spoon?
> we are marching to Darfuria, Darfuria, Darfuria!
> Harry Potter IIX, ?Ordeal @ Oxford//Sudan ^ Aircraft Carrier!
> ALgoreTHEmovieFORpresident.COM:
I suppose you never seen this footage of WTC7 before have you? Its
100% evidence that WTC7 was controlled demolition:
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