How to convert a number to binary?
stargaming at
Fri May 18 02:04:23 EDT 2007
Lyosha schrieb:
> On May 17, 4:40 pm, Michael Bentley <mich... at> wrote:
>>On May 17, 2007, at 6:33 PM, Lyosha wrote:
>>>Converting binary to base 10 is easy:
>>>>>>int('11111111', 2)
>>>Converting base 10 number to hex or octal is easy:
>>>Is there an *easy* way to convert a number to binary?
>>def to_base(number, base):
>> 'converts base 10 integer to another base'
>> number = int(number)
>> base = int(base)
>> if base < 2 or base > 36:
>> raise ValueError, "Base must be between 2 and 36"
>> if not number:
>> return 0
>> symbols = string.digits + string.lowercase[:26]
>> answer = []
>> while number:
>> number, remainder = divmod(number, base)
>> answer.append(symbols[remainder])
>> return ''.join(reversed(answer))
>>Hope this helps,
> That's way too complicated... Is there any way to convert it to a one-
> liner so that I can remember it? Mine is quite ugly:
> "".join(str((n/base**i) % base) for i in range(20) if n>=base**i)
> [::-1].zfill(1)
Wrote this a few moons ago::
dec2bin = lambda x: (dec2bin(x/2) + str(x%2)) if x else ''
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