How can I time a method of a class in python using Timeit

silverburgh.meryl at silverburgh.meryl at
Thu May 24 14:23:49 EDT 2007

On May 24, 12:41 pm, 7stud <bbxx789_0... at> wrote:
> Actually, you can do this:
> class Dog(object):
>     def aFunction(self):
>         result = 20 + 2
>     def run(self):
>         #do stuff
>         aFunction()
>         #do other stuff
> import timeit
> t = timeit.Timer("d.aFunction()", "from __main__ import Dog; d =
> Dog()")
> print t.timeit()
> Since you only want to time aFunction(), you can call it directly.

Can 't = timeit.Timer()' run inside a thread?
And I have multiple threads running this 't = timeit.Time()' function?

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