What is an instance and what isn't?
Lenard Lindstrom
len-l at telus.net
Thu May 24 16:04:03 EDT 2007
Gre7g Luterman wrote:
> I suppose I was lulled into complacency by how Python makes so many things
> look like classes, but I'm starting to realize that they're not, are they?
> I'm writing a C program which handles Python objects in different ways based
> on their type. I do a PyInstance_Check(PyObj) to determine if the PyObj is
> an instance, but it is returning 0 on a lot of stuff that I thought would be
> an instance.
Python has two class systems: classic classes and new-style classes.
New-style classes were introduced with Python 2.2. Classic classes
remain for backwards compatibility. See section 3.3 "New-style and
classic classes" in the Python 2.5 "Python Reference Manual" for an
PyInstance_Check() returns true only if an object is a classic class
instance. Built-in types like list and dict are new-style classes, so
PyInstance_Check() will return false (0) for list and dictionary
instances. It will also return false for instances of Python classes
inheriting from a new-style class.
> So I did the following simple test on three things that look
> like instances:
> Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Apr 18 2007, 08:51:08) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]
> on win32
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>>> class a: pass
> ....
>>>> type(a())
> <type 'instance'>
>>>> type(Exception())
> <type 'exceptions.Exception'>
>>>> class b(dict): pass
> ....
>>>> type(b())
> <class '__main__.b'>
> I was relieved that a() returns an instance, but I was surprised that
> Exceptions aren't really instances at all. And what's the deal with derving
> a class from a standard type like a dictionary? I thought for sure, that
> would be an instance, but this shows it is a class?!?
Class "a" is a classic class. It does not inherit from a new-style
class. In Python 2.5 Exception became a new-style class as well. dict is
also a new-style class, as mentioned above.
> Can anyone explain the last one and/or give me a simple test I can do in C
> to determine whether a Python object is "instance-like"?
It all depends on what is meant by "instance-like". All Python classes
are instances as well. In Python a class is defined by how it behaves
rather than by some special interpreter level flag. So there is no
definitive way to separate objects into "classes" and "instances". The
best I can suggest is testing if an object is a "class-like" classic or
new-style class. The inspect module defines an isclass function as follows:
def isclass(object):
"""Return true if the object is a class.
Class objects provide these attributes:
__doc__ documentation string
__module__ name of module in which this class
was defined"""
return isinstance(object, types.ClassType) or \
hasattr(object, '__bases__')
Lenard Lindstrom
<len-l at telus.net>
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