Asyncore Help?

billiejoex gnewsg at
Thu May 17 13:46:35 EDT 2007

On 14 Mag, 06:51, "Paul Kozik" <zyk... at> wrote:
> I have trouble finding a solid example for what I need. and
> other sites provide simple examples, but they appear more intended for
> servers that simply send one peice of data to the client.

Not a big deal. asynchat / asyncore are pretty easy-to-learn
frameworks. Under the hoods they are extremely simpler if compared to
You shouldn't have problems in learning how the things works in a
couple of days.
Try to take a look at:

> Besides this I am also stuck with dealing with TCP data streams. I can
> receive and send the data (using threads, not yet with asynocore), but
> I am unsure how to deal with the streamlike nature of TCP (and would
> prefer to use TCP over UDP).

If you really need speed UDP could be a better choice.

> While basic socket work was rather easy to deal with, this has proved
> significantly more difficult.

Developing a bug-less network application by using the basic socket
module instead of an high-level framework like asyncore it's surely a
lot harder.
Again: asyncore is really simple: it's just a matter of understanding
the event-based approach that's very different from the thread-based

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