installing cx_Oracle.
Doug Phillips
DPhillips at
Thu May 24 14:07:08 EDT 2007
> It also works the other way around, at least on the non-empty
> set of systems that contains my workstation. export simply
> marks the variable name for automatic export to the
> environment of subsequent commands. The value at that time
> doesn't matter. What matters is the value that the name has
> at the time the command is run:
> [carsten at dot ~]$ export FOOD
> [carsten at dot ~]$ FOOD=spam
> [carsten at dot ~]$ python -c "import os; print os.environ['FOOD']"
> spam
> [carsten at dot ~]$ FOOD=eggs
> [carsten at dot ~]$ python -c "import os; print os.environ['FOOD']"
> eggs
Just tried on a FreeBSD 6.1 development box with stock /bin/sh and it
works there too...
... And I just learned something new!
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