question about getch()

Steve Holden steve at
Thu May 24 14:11:41 EDT 2007

gliquidsnake at wrote:
> Hey all,
> I'm having a problem with using msvcrt.getch() .  What I want is some 
> functionality like this:
> print 'blah blah blah, good_input to do blah blah blah, exit_key to exit'
> while input != exit_key:
>     input = get_input_from_getch()
>     if input == good_input:
>         print input
>         #do something
>     if input == bad_input:
>         #ask for new input
>     if input == exit_key:
>         pass
> so, if the user's input is good, the input is printed to the screen and 
> the user is allowed to put in more input.
> if the user's input is bad, the input is not printed to the screen and 
> python ignores the input.
> if the user presses a designated key then the program continues.
> for some reason, all I get when I try to implement getch() is python 
> getting stuck in an infinite loop and printing "ΓΏ" continuously.  I 
> tried using msvcrt.kbhit() to wait for a key to be pressed before 
> continuing to getch() but it seems the program then skips the loop entirely.
> I guess I just don't really understand how to use getch(). =(
More likely, you don't understand Python loops. Rather than "pass" in 
the last option (which won't terminate the loop) try "break".

Steve Holden        +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd 
Skype: holdenweb
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