Specification for win32com.client package
Tim Golden
mail at timgolden.me.uk
Wed May 9 11:26:34 EDT 2007
kyosohma at gmail.com wrote:
> On May 9, 8:25 am, Tim Golden <m... at timgolden.me.uk> wrote:
>> kyoso... at gmail.com wrote:
>>> The wiki idea sounds like a good one. I was thinking about doing some
>>> kind of Python site about the modules and I think the popular 3rd
>>> party ones would be a good place to start, maybe starting with win32.
>>> How much information do you think would need to be on a site like this
>>> to start out with?
>> Someone did start a Python Win32 Wiki recently (check the
>> python-win32 archives for location etc.) I did mean to put
>> things on there myself, but real life has taken over. Often,
>> these things just need someone with a bit of oomph to at
>> least get the thing going.
>> I think what's needed (if you're offering :) is for someone
>> to put a *framework* in place on such a site which would
>> make it easy for anyone to come along and fill in the gaps
>> with their particular 3rd-party app or brand of knowledge.
>> As I say, someone did start something, but I've not heard
>> anything from him since then and I haven't found the time
>> myself. If you were to kick something off and actually get
>> it going I wouldn't say no.
>> TJG
> I think I found the thread you were talking about:
> http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-win32/2007-March/005585.html
> I went to the site listed: www.wazoozle.com and I see nothing related
> to python there. In fact, James (the poster) doesn't appear to be
> listed anywhere either. Very weird.
Strange. Maybe he gave up and hosted something
else instead. It's not as though the name was
related :)
> While I am not a wiki wizard, I will look into it. I might be able to
> bamboozle some free space on my friend's hosting service for such a
> project. If so, I'll let you know.
Personally, if only to save startup pain, I'd be inclined to
use the main Python wiki, at least to get going. I know I
said at the time that I was willing to kick something off,
but days led to weeks... and you can guess the rest.
Why not corner an area on http://wiki.python.org/moin/
and put headings in place? I'm not a great fan of MoinMoin,
but it's there and it carries a (certain) measure of
authority. That said, if you want to set up on your own
space, I'm not objecting. I'll do my best (this time) to
supply info and keep things going.
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