Python and GUI

Grant Edwards grante at
Mon May 21 13:33:10 EDT 2007

On 2007-05-21, Cameron Laird <claird at> wrote:

> While PyQt is plenty wonderful, Tkinter's more than adequate,
> given the requirements you've described.

Tkinter is easier to use for simple things.  You just have to
try not to think about the fact that it's pulling a complete
Tcl interpreter into your app.  It also seems to come only in
various flavors of ugly. ;)

wxPython (based on wxWidgets) is cross-platform,
industrial-strength and has native look-and-feel.  It is,
however, more complex to use.  In some places it's not very
"Pythonic" and shows it's C/C++ heritage (this has improved a
bit in the past couple years).  There are also a couple more
Pythonic wrappers on top of wxWidgets.

pyGTK isn't a bad choice if Linux/Unix is what you care about.
GTK for Windows was still a bit sketchy the last time I looked
into it.

PyQt I haven't tried, but both Linux/Unix and Windows support
is reported to be solid.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! My polyvinyl cowboy
                                  at               wallet was made in Hong
                                 Kong by Montgomery Clift!

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