Shared Memory Space - Accross Apps & Network

D.Hering vel.accel at
Wed May 23 05:48:15 EDT 2007

On May 23, 4:04 am, Tim Golden <m... at> wrote:
> Robert Rawlins - Think Blue wrote:
> > I've got an application that runs on an embedded system, the application
> > uses a whole bunch or dicts and other data types to store state and other
> > important information.
> > I'm looking to build a small network of these embedded systems, and I'd love
> > to have them all share the same set or data. Is it possible to share the
> > applications variables across multiple applications, so certain lists are
> > like a 'pool' written to by the different systems? I'm sure I could cobble
> > something together by writing the lists to shared files instead of keeping
> > them in RAM, but that feels a little inefficient. I'd like to try and
> > configure some form of master/slave relationship between my applications if
> > possible.
> I was really surprised you hadn't received a whole
> slew of answers for this (even if they were: search
> the newsgroup for the last time this was asked!) But
> then I noticed that the post hadn't appeared on Google
> Groups, at least. I read things via the mailing list;
> is it possible your post hasn't made it across to
> Usenet either?
> Just to get the ball rolling, I'd suggest two things:
> Pyro -
> This is actively maintained and has been going for a while.
> We use it here (on a fairly small scale) and I know that
> others use it elsewhere for bigger things. It's based on
> a threaded socket server so whenever someone starts to say:
> "I know; I'll roll my own threaded socket server", I'm
> inclined to say: "Don't reinvent the wheel; try Pyro".
> PyLinda -
> This implements the tuplespace paradigm. It's great
> fun to use, but as far as I know this implementation
> was a PhD project and lacks the robustness and wide
> use of other things. That said, it works perfectly
> well within its remit and might be a good match for
> what you're trying to do.
> No doubt other people can chime in with suggestions

Possibly, IPython's new interactive parallel environment is what you
are looking for:

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