PEP 3131: Supporting Non-ASCII Identifiers
Anton Vredegoor
anton.vredegoor at
Sun May 13 14:21:06 EDT 2007
Martin v. Löwis wrote:
> In summary, this PEP proposes to allow non-ASCII letters as
> identifiers in Python. If the PEP is accepted, the following
> identifiers would also become valid as class, function, or
> variable names: Löffelstiel, changé, ошибка, or 売り場
> (hoping that the latter one means "counter").
I am against this PEP for the following reasons:
It will split up the Python user community into different language or
interest groups without having any benefit as to making the language
more expressive in an algorithmic way.
Some time ago there was a discussion about introducing macros into the
language. Among the reasons why macros were excluded was precisely
because anyone could start writing their own kind of dialect of Python
code, resulting in less people being able to read what other programmers
wrote. And that last thing: 'Being able to easily read what other people
wrote' (sometimes that 'other people' is yourself half a year later, but
that isn't relevant in this specific case) is one of the main virtues in
the Python programming community. Correct me if I'm wrong please.
At that time I was considering to give up some user conformity because
the very powerful syntax extensions would make Python rival Lisp. It's
worth sacrificing something if one gets some other thing in return.
However since then we have gained metaclasses, iterators and generators
and even a C-like 'if' construct. Personally I'd also like to have a
'repeat-until'. These things are enough to keep us busy for a long time
and in some respects this new syntax is even more powerful/dangerous
than macros. But most importantly these extra burdens on the ease with
which one is to read code are offset by gaining more expressiveness in
the *coding* of scripts.
While I have little doubt that in the end some stubborn mathematician or
Frenchman will succeed in writing a preprocessor that would enable him
to indoctrinate his students into his specific version of reality, I see
little reason to actively endorse such foolishness.
The last argument I'd like to make is about the very possibly reality
that in a few years the Internet will be dominated by the Chinese
language instead of by the English language. As a Dutchman I have no
special interest in English being the language of the Internet but
-given the status quo- I can see the advantages of everyone speaking the
*same* language. If it be Chinese, Chinese I will start to learn,
however inept I might be at it at first.
That doesn't mean however that one should actively open up to a kind of
contest as to which language will become the main language! On the
contrary one should hold out as long as possible to the united group one
has instead of dispersing into all kinds of experimental directions.
Do we harm the Chinese in this way one might ask by making it harder for
them to gain access to the net? Do we harm ourselves by not opening up
in time to the new status quo? Yes, in a way these are valid points, but
one should not forget that more advanced countries also have a
responsibility to lead the way by providing an example, one should not
think too lightly about that.
Anyway, I feel that it will not be possible to hold off these
developments in the long run, but great beneficial effects can still be
attained by keeping the language as simple and expressive as possible
and to adjust to new realities as soon as one of them becomes undeniably
apparent (which is something entirely different than enthusiastically
inviting them in and let them fight it out against each other in your
own house) all the time taking responsibility to lead the way as long as
one has any consensus left.
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