No module named urllib
HMS Surprise
john at
Tue May 8 09:19:01 EDT 2007
On May 7, 6:54 pm, Carsten Haese <cars... at> wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-05-07 at 16:24 -0700, HMS Surprise wrote:
> > Since sys.path = ['.', 'C:\\maxq\\lib\\Lib', 'C:\\maxq\\jython'] I
> > copied urllib to c:\maxq\lib\Lib.
> > Now I get the error -
> > Traceback (innermost last):
> > File "<string>", line 5, in ?
> > File "C:\maxq\lib\Lib\", line 1148
> > _hextochr = dict(('%02x' % i, chr(i)) for i in range(256))
> > ^
> > SyntaxError: invalid syntax
> The you're using is not compatible with the Python you're
> using. The snippet above uses Python 2.4+ syntax, and Jython's syntax is
> at 2.1 (stable) or 2.2 (beta).
> --
> Carsten Haese
Thanks for posting. How does one ensure (or even detect) that their
libraries are compatible?
I loaded this library as part of Python 2.5.
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