Newbie prob: How to write a file with 3 threads?
electronixtar at
Tue May 8 06:56:27 EDT 2007
On May 8, 2:13 pm, Dennis Lee Bieber <wlfr... at> wrote:
> On 7 May 2007 18:22:07 -0700, est <electronix... at> declaimed
> the following in comp.lang.python:
> > I guess I will write multiple files, one thread one file, and after
> > all threads terminates, I combine the files. That's a cheaper
> > solution, I think.
> Given your first description:
> > I need to write a file using 3 threads simutaniously, e.g. Thread 1
> > write the first byte of test.bin with an "a", second thread write the
> > second byte "b", third thread write the third byte "c". Anyone could
> > give a little example on how to do that?
> ... any other solution may not have worked anyway. That is, if you
> really expect the three threads to interleave their output as
> abcabcabcabc. If threading, you have no assurance that any single thread
> will follow any other during a task switch. It all depends upon where a
> task switch takes place.
> But then, your example isn't too clear of what you really are
> producing for output. If, instead of "bytes", you meant that each thread
> was writing logging information, the solution would be to use the
> logging module -- so far as I know, the logging module /does/ perform
> the needed access locking.
> OTOH, if you really mean to have three separate byte producers,
> interleaving output, the only safe way would be to have /each/ have an
> output Queue, and a fourth thread doing the writing using a loop of the
> form:
> while True:
> a = aQueue.get()
> fout.write(a)
> b = bQueue.get()
> fout.write(b)
> c = cQueue.get()
> fout.write(c)
> Using the separate queues means that the writer WILL wait until the
> next producer in the interleave has produced its data. Of course, this
> structure has the drawback that all producers must produce the same
> amount of data -- otherwise it blocks forever on the queue from the
> producer has stopped generating data.
> --
> Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber KD6MOG
> wlfr... at wulfr... at
> HTTP://
> (Bestiaria Support Staff: web-a... at
> HTTP://
I'd like to say VERY VERY VERY thank you for your detailed
information, that's a lot encourage for a beginner. In fact I am
writing a multi thread download ultility, and I found that very hard
for me. Can you recommand any sample code where I can start with? I
hope I can catch up with everyone here, I'll try my best learning
python. Thank you again.
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