How to do basic CRUD apps with Python
half.italian at
half.italian at
Thu May 17 02:13:35 EDT 2007
On May 14, 7:46 pm, "James T. Dennis" <jades... at> wrote:
> Bruno Desthuilliers <bruno.42.desthuilli... at> wrote:
> > walterbyrd a ?crit :
> >> With PHP, libraries, apps, etc. to do basic CRUD are everywhere. Ajax
> >> and non-Ajax solutions abound.
> >> With Python, finding such library, or apps. seems to be much more
> >> difficult to find.
> >> I thought django might be a good way, but I can not seem to get an
> >> answer on that board.
> >> I would like to put together a CRUD grid with editable/deletable/
> >> addable fields, click on the headers to sort. Something that would
> >> sort-of looks like an online spreadsheet. It would be nice if the
> >> fields could be edited in-line, but it's not entirely necessary.
> >> Are there any Python libraries to do that sort of thing? Can it be
> >> done with django or cherrypy?
> > You may want to have a look at turbogears's widgets.
> Admittedly I had to look up the meaning of CRUD in this context:
> (
> create, read, update, and delete).
> I'm looking at Turbogears' Widgets in another window as I type
> this ... but it will be awhile before I can comment on how they
> might apply to the OP's needs. Actually I'm wholly unqualified
> to comment on his or her needs ... but I can comment on how I
> interpreted the question.
> Even with the SQLAlchemy SQLSoup examples there's still an
> annoying about of boilerplate coding that has to be done in order
> to create a web application for doing CRUD on a database.
> The missing element seems to be the ability to autogenerate
> web forms and reports with the requisite controls in them.
> Imagine, for a moment, being able to do something like:
> >>> import sqlalchemy.ext.webcrud as crud
> >>> db =
> >>> db.displayTopForm()
> '<HTML ....
> ....
> </HTML>'
> ... and having a default "top level" web page generated with
> options to query the database (or some specific table in the
> database to be more specific, add new entries, etc).
> I'm thinking of some sort of class/module that would generate
> various sorts of HTML forms by default, but also allow one to
> sub-class each of the form/query types to customize the contents.
> It would use introspection on the database columns and constraints
> to automatically generate input fields for each of the columns and
> even fields for required foreign keys (or links to the CRUD for those
> tables?). Ideally it would also automatically hide autogenerated
> (index/key) fields, and map the table column IDs to form names (with
> gettext support for l10n of those).
> I think that's the sort of thing the OP was looking for. Not the
> ORM ... the the glue between the web framework and the ORM.
> --
> Jim Dennis,
> Starshine: Signed, Sealed, Delivered
Sounds like you're talking about rails. Do any of the python packages
compare with the ease of rails? I got in just deep enough to see the
possibilities of it, and then had to stop to do real work in php. I'd
be very interested in Python on Rails!
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