(Modular-)Application Framework / Rich-Client-Platform in Python

Kirk Job Sluder kirk at jobspam/mapssluder.net
Fri May 18 13:44:41 EDT 2007

Stef Mientki <S.Mientki-nospam at mailbox.kun.nl> writes:

> I took a look at Eclipse page you mentioned but after reading the
> first page I still don't understand what you mean (and I never read
> beyond the first page ;-).
> With a plugin system, I can think of a complete operating system,
> or I can think of something like a DTP, or simply Word,
> or I can think of something like Signal WorkBench
> etc.

The approach taken by Eclipse is exactly like that taken by emacs so
many years ago of creating a minimalist framework that offers a bare
bones user interface and services for running libraries.  Everything
else is a plug-in library that changes the behavior of that interface.
So if you want an editor for language "foo," you would customize a
"view" interface to display foo objects, and an "editor" interface to
display and modify "foo" text.  You might customize other "view"
objects to display documentation, compilation, and debugging

(The fact that Eclipse and emacs are both rather lean programs is
obsucred by the sheer quantity of plug-ins that have become a part
of the standard installation.)

> cheers,
> Stef Mientki

Kirk Job Sluder

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