Using python as primary language

sjdevnull at sjdevnull at
Thu Nov 8 17:30:05 EST 2007

On Nov 8, 2:09 pm, "Michael Bacarella" <m... at> wrote:
> > In our company we are looking for one language to be used as default
> > language. So far Python looks like a good choice (slacking behind
> > Java). A few requirements that the language should be able cope with
> > are:
> How do you feel about multithreading support?
> A multithreaded application in Python will only use a single CPU on
> multi-CPU machines due to big interpreter lock, whereas the "right thing"
> happens in Java.

Note that this is untrue for many common uses of threading (e.g. using
threads to wait on network connections, or calling out to most common
compute-intensive C extensions), where the GIL is released and
multiple CPUs are used just fine.

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