OPLC purchase period extended
Grant Edwards
grante at visi.com
Sat Nov 24 19:51:15 EST 2007
>>I've ordered mine, but I still haven't gotten an answer on how to sign
>>up for the year of free T-Mobile WiFi access that's included in the
>>offer. The T-Mobile site says you need a PIN from your "confirmation
>>letter". I never I've gotten neither a confirmation letter nor a
>>response to the e-mail I sent to OLPC asking about it. :/
> Given past experience with T-Mobile, you probably need to give them both
> social security number and a credit card, so I probably won't take them
> up on their "free" offer.
I got an e-mail today from the OLPC support staff saying that
the PIN would be e-mailed.
>>The XO laptop comes with a built-in Python IDE, so everybody on
>>c.l.p ought to have one...
> That was more-or-less my reasoning for getting one, but the
> clincher was finding out on Tday that my sibling and spouse
> had independently decided to get one for my nibling, so I
> really needed to get one in order to help them.
> Supposedly with the monochrome screen the battery life is good
> enough to use the XO as an eBook reader...
I know that was the goal. I read somewhere that they're still
working on power-management issues.
It's running a tweaked RedHat linux, and the tools to build a
custom ROM image are freely available -- including a Qemu-based
emulator that lets you run rom images on a simulated XO.
The most imporant thing is that the "control" key is to the
left of the "A" keay where god intened. Not too surprising
when you realized the design was headed by folks from the media
lab at MIT. MIT requires everybody to use Emacs, right?
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